Why Everyone is a Project Manager: Unveiling the Universal Skill Set

By Paul Omugbe

The job of a project manager has transcended conventional limits to become an indispensable skill set in the dynamic fabric of work and life. The concepts of project management have been incorporated into many facets of our life, from everyday housework to business boardrooms. Let’s examine why everyone qualifies as a project manager in some capacity.

Life Is an Assignment:

A person’s personal and professional pursuits serve as the benchmarks for the vast enterprise that is life itself. When arranging a family get-together, vacation, or professional endeavor, people inadvertently use project management techniques to manage schedules, assign tasks, and accomplish goals.

Managing Your Time:

Time management is the first step towards effective project management. Everyone is always juggling several jobs and deadlines, regardless of their lifestyle or work. Effective time allocation and prioritization are essential project management skills that may be used to a variety of tasks, including managing daily routines, finishing assignments, and meeting work deadlines.

Allocation of Resources:

Everyone allocates resources on a regular basis, whether they are monetary, mental, or emotional. When it comes to allocating time and energy between work, family, and personal interests, or budgeting money for a home improvement project, people instinctively use project management concepts to maximize resources and accomplish goals.

Planning and Setting Goals:

A fundamental component of project management is goal-setting and developing strategies to attain them. People set goals in their personal and professional lives, whether they are conscious of them or not, and then devise plans of action to get there. The principles of project management are fundamental to everything we do in our everyday lives, from creating a strategy for our profession to setting goals for our physical fitness.

Interaction and Cooperation:

In project management, teamwork and effective communication are essential, and they are transferable abilities. Success in any endeavor requires the capacity to communicate ideas clearly and cooperate with others, whether it’s planning a family gathering or collaborating with coworkers on a project. Many aspects of life exhibit project management concepts, like feedback, teamwork, and frequent updates.
Flexibility and Solving Issues:

Difficulties are a given in life since life is erratic. The capacity to adjust to unanticipated events and resolve issues quickly is a distinguishing feature of project management. People frequently run into roadblocks in their personal and professional lives, which forces them to reevaluate tactics, modify schedules, and come up with creative solutions in order to get beyond them.

Ongoing Enhancement:

The concept of continual improvement is highly beneficial for project managers, and it can be applied to anyone. Whether it’s improving professional abilities, streamlining daily tasks, or developing better personal habits, the goal of improving oneself reflects the philosophy of continuous improvement embedded in project management techniques.

In summary, everyone is essentially a project manager because project management principles are universally applied in our day-to-day activities. Acknowledging and developing these innate abilities not only increases productivity but also cultivates a mindset that is favorable to success in both personal and professional pursuits. Embracing the project manager inside us becomes an empowering tactic for managing the difficulties of the modern world as the lines between work and life continue to blur.

Paul Omugbe is an experienced Project Management Professional Leader, Chartered Accountant, Financial Modeling Analyst, and Agile Coach. As the CEO of Quavah LLC, he focuses on helping small businesses and corporate organizations build high-performing teams and sustainable businesses through innovative project management and agile methodologies. With 15 years of experience, he has a trailblazing reputation in strategy, innovation, project management, and business.

Omugbe holds a Fellow Chartered Accountant designation from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Professional certifications from the Project Management Institute (PMI), and Business Valuations and Digital Innovation for Finance by the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA). Paul is also the Immediate Past President of the Project Management Institute Nigeria Chapter (PMING). His publications include books on project management, finance, and artificial intelligence. Paul’s education includes a Bachelor of Science in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University and an Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business from the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), UK.

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