Yuletide Transport Allowance

I write to bring to the attention of Nigerians that Mr President, Bola Tinubu, is unfair to Edo and Delta States by sidelining them from the recent 50% palliatives on transport costs during the yuletide. We say this in spite of his recent protestations that he was going to be fair and just to all Nigerians irrespective of party affiliations or who did not vote for him in the presidential elections.

Recall that most of the monies that he is going to spend to defray the palliatives is from the crude oil in the Niger Delta States. They are not monies that come from the pockets of a Mr President, to be put to use for the comfort of just a section of Nigeria. We also want to say that people from these states in Nigeria are some of the most widely travelled people nationally and internationally. This is a statement of fact, to be attested to from the many private transport companies in these states. To that end, if there was going to be an emphasis or priority given at the planning stages of this allowance for transport, people from these states ought to have been accorded some respect, priority and dignity.

From the way people from the Niger Delta have been sidelined, we come off with the impression that we are being punished for exercising our election responsibilities. There is time to reverse, and or amend the route that will benefit from the yuletide transport allowance.  

Bob MajiriOghene Etemiku,


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