Lara Adebiyi Officially Launches Foundation

In the face of kindness, even the staunchest hearts of stone eventually melt.  Lara Adebiyi is prepared to thaw hearts in 2024. The new humanitarian foundation will serve as an outpost to her commitment to support the underprivileged in matters of education, health, and general welfare.

Lara Adebiyi Foundation (LAF) is a non-profit organisation designed around humanitarian needs. It was recently launched at the Conference Hall of her Addas Mall, Agidingbi area of Lagos. Clearly, when the mall was opened a few years back, Lara already had it in mind to do things like launch charitable organisations.

Speaking to the dignitaries at the event, Lady Lara explained that this foundation is only the visible tip of countless years of her service to humanity. This particular one is the outburst of her desire to help the underprivileged, the chief focus being students whose continuing education has become a challenge due to economic issues.

According to Adebiyi, the foundation is going to kick off in the new year. The main focus will be the education and training of the underprivileged. The foundation will also concentrate on fulfilling healthcare needs, leading to a healthier and more competent nation. Apparently, this is the ultimate goal in the eye of the Adebiyi clan lady, increasing the family’s commitment to unburdening fellow Nigerians.

Unsurprisingly, her husband, Lekan Adebiyi, was at the event. He stood solidly behind her and echoed her commitment to supporting the underprivileged in their educational and health needs. Because it is in keeping with the principles of the Adebiyi family, onlookers were impressed that the couple did not throw out their beliefs on account of pressing economic challenges.

The new foundation of Lara is the latest evidence of the Adebiyis’ dedication to philanthropy and humanitarianism. It is something to admire and emulate.

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