Tiff Rumour Trails Governor Eno and Emmanuel

Successorship in Nigeria’s governorship circles is never surprising. The suspense is usually only extended to when successors begin to persecute predecessors. In the case of Akwa Ibom, rumour engines are working tirelessly, putting out the news that the incumbent governor, Umo Eno, is starting to eye his predecessor, Udom Emmanuel. However, both men insist that these are only rumours.

Nothing but the truth can stop rumormongering. But the truth must be comprehensive and authentic, smashing out the chance for half-truths and intentional misguidance. Although this does not seem to be the case for Eno and Emmanuel, public commentators acknowledge that there is no smoke without fire and vice versa.

There is no source to the rumours, but the gist is that Eno and Emmanuel’s relationship has started to sour due to some undisclosed conflict between them. Allegedly, Emmanuel’s freedom and reputation as a good man are at stake since one accusation from Eno against his predecessor’s governance can shatter these qualities, especially Emmanuel’s reputation.

Faced with these rumours, Eno has come out to say that he and Emmanuel’s relationship has never been better. According to him, there is nothing that can make him harbour ill intentions towards his predecessor. After all, the latter is his godfather and almost single-handedly, brought him to gubernatorial power. In this denial of the rumours, Eno has been very insistent and convincing.

The same can be said of Emmanuel. He stated that he and Eno are inseparable, and he is on his toes to see the latter succeed in whatever he lays his hands on. He said that Eno does not put him under pressure and he is reasonable enough to not fix his head where it shouldn’t be. Therefore, nothing is wrong and the rumours are false.

With these denials, the rumours should fade. But they are not. Nevertheless, time will tell where the lies are and who wants to throw a wrench in Akwa Ibom’s peace.

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