The worst moments for the South East are over as all critical stakeholders are committed to the peace project, writes Dele Olowu

As legend, Bola Tinubu is probably better known as a pro-Democracy advocate, his campaign for the restoration of June 12 being amongst his worthiest contributions. His extra ideological baggage has however included his concern with true federalism as well as the requirement for a revision of the awkward Nigerian constitutional order. Time and Incumbency can reframe political priorities. It is no surprise therefore that given our current nation-wide experience, the imperative of security has become a top agenda in President Tinubu’s to-do list. It appears that security, not just in Nigeria, but security in the South East of Nigeria has become a consuming priority. Evidence of this new shift was provided recently when Nigeria’s policy icons moved to Bende in Abia State for the unveiling of the Peace in South East Project (PISE-P) by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu.

This project which has received the Presidential nod, is outstanding, in that it has enjoyed an overwhelming amount of support among Igbo elites, a pleasant surprise, considering the plurality of voices and interest groups which now and again wrestle over issues in the largely republican jurisdiction. A combination of Presidential fervor, Igbo enthusiasm, and nation-wide weariness with unrest, is likely to inaugurate a new dawn of peace for our country. The histrionics at the unfurling of the peace plan will not be ignored. Theater and political enunciation often proceed hand in gloves. Appropriately, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Vice President Kashim Shettima were conferred with Igbo traditional titles. Tinubu was invested as the Omezeri Igbo 1. This eminence was received on his behalf by the Vice President, Alhaji Shetima who was himself conferred with the title Enyioma Ndigbo. But the policy resolutions which emerged from the event were far more important than all the theater. Most Nigerians will therefore welcome the announcement by President Tinubu of his readiness to end the reign of terror in the South East and the very useful acknowledgement that the criminal class terrorizing the region, represent neither the region and its interests nor those of Nigeria in general. This is an important philosophic clarification.

Given the clamor generated by the turbulence in the South East and the mindless violence its perpetrators have frequently employed, the voice of the majority has remained furtive, silent and unfashionable. The enduring climate has seemed to encourage the conclusion that everybody in the east is a war monger. The new peace project is bound to produce and sustain a new impetus in support of the voices of moderation and a Nigeria in harmony. One of the more distinguished peace champions is the Deputy Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, Hon Benjamin Kalu. Worried to no end by the pressures imposed on the South East by the continuing insurrection, the Deputy Speaker has reached the conclusion that peace is better than terror. The logic of underdevelopment is fueled by the challenge of chaos and crisis. And this is highlighted in the presentation of the Deputy Speaker. One illustration offered is the transport sector with its massive complement of 1,083, 000 commercial vehicles in the south east. This important resource faces financial impairment due to the sit-at-home protests amounting to 13billion Naira per exercise. The business environment contains similarly bewildering statistics, with trading businesses incurring losses ranging from N655 billion to N3.8 trillion in the last 24 months.

These consequences affect SMES and extend to employment and income across various tiers. The peace which Speaker Ben Kalu seeks is not illusionary; it is not a fairy tale feature. In his own words, ‘it is a choice we make and a commitment we uphold.’ It is important and useful that the peace project is supported by all the sub-national governments and by the Vice President and the President himself. This popular acclamation is both important and decisive. Republican sentiments, often in full voice in the south east, tend to challenge public interest issues.

The Peace In The South East Project (PISE-P) has been singularly lucky. The weight of the Presidential and Vice Presidential support has been important; so also perhaps is the war-weariness of the communities in the south east. The very decisive coming together of people, various tiers of government and the Presidency places an amazing premium on the peace project. The open admission by President Tinubu that he has been worried about the economic devastation inflicted on the southeast geopolitical zone by non-state actors since he assumed office may be of some comfort to doubting Thomases. But of greater consequence is his determination to eliminate self-serving criminals and threats to our national security. The peace project is a program of action and contains elements which will not only promote unite but will also help to release new energies for nation-wide development. The program will also promote reconciliation among communities and individuals riven apart by previous conflicts.

The aesthetics of the programme has itself been harmonious and peace driven. It has been cross cultural and has also broken down political barriers. The Governors came from different political parties, beholden severely, only to the creed of peace and development for the south east zone. The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives has received huge praise for the peace project. His enthusiasm has been a great mobilizer. But he must be prepared to share the glory with President Tinubu and Vice President Shettima for their commitment; the Deputy Speaker must also share the applause with all Governors across party lines for their empathy and with the general citizens, who now freed from the stranglehold of terror champions, can now rejoice in true freedom offered by the Tinubu peace. Hon Benjamin Kalu has been an important helmsman in the crafting of this peace. It’s not therefore surprising that the official opening ceremony at Bende looked like a homecoming for him. The outpouring of enthusiasm is an encouraging welcome.

The youths feel particularly welcome as the project will reputedly open new windows of opportunity at the economic and social levels. However the challenge before those who own the mandate of the peace is that of upholding its integrity and ensuring that the youths are not disappointed. The worst moments for the South East are in the past. They are gone. A new era is in place and Hon Ben Kalu, must reflect in the thought that blessed are the peacemakers for theirs is a world of peace.

Olowu is a Veteran Journalist

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