Lifestyle King, Dino Melaye Celebrates 50th Birthday in Dubai 

Age can be quickly forgotten in the face of bustle. In the past decade, few individuals have been able to climb past the lifestyle king, Senator Dino Melaye, in terms of constant activity and attention. If he had not celebrated his birthday in Dubai a few days ago with his characteristic lavishness, who would have believed that he is only 50 years old?

Melaye has shown that he is not willing to be thrust out of conversations yet. This time, his reappearance is as legitimate as it can be. Perhaps recognizing that Lagos or Abuja or his eulogised Lokoja would be unable to bear the weight of the celebrations, Melaye got his friends and family to accompany him to Dubai where wine cups clinked and intoxicated pleasantries were exchanged.

According to reports, seasoned presidential aspirant, Atiku Abubakar, was among the A-list guests in Dubai to celebrate the Kogi West senator. Seeing how deep their friendship is, it was not all that surprising that Atiku would step out of his Dubai crib to bump fists with Melaye.

At 50, Melaye has done a lot of things. Considered to be one of the ballsiest individuals to serve as a Nigerian senator, Melaye sits on the fence on everything. Today the lord of controversies, and tomorrow the baron of graciousness, the man’s tumbling personas have never failed to impress and perplex. Of all that he has presented to the public, which persona is true and accurate? Maybe all of them?

After losing in the 2023 gubernatorial election in Kogi, Melaye was evidently pained, losing his calm many times. But this birthday celebration has shown that those days of dark and dreary clouds are over. The time has come to return to his cheerful and unconcerned self.

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