The #EndSARS Movement: A Resurgence in Nigerian Youth Political Activism

By Tomisin Onafowokan
To say that the #EndSARS protests were an inflexion point in Nigeria’s political history will not seem a far-fetched statement to close observers of the Nigerian political scene since the turn of the 4th Republic.

The protests followed a  viral circulation of a video depicting the alleged killing of a man by the infamous Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).  Tens of thousands of young Nigerians mobilized in widespread street protests. This marked the inception of the demonstrations, which aimed to end police brutality. And in a remarkable turn of events, what had kicked off as a series of nationwide protests against police brutality in October 2020,  escalated into a full-blown demand for better governance. As the searchlight beamed on the nefarious activities and inefficiencies of the Nigerian Police Force, it became clear that the force is a stark representation of all that is not well with Nigerian society. As such, the protests became an avenue to unearth various issues affecting Nigerian society, particularly those which stem from nefarious activities of the government and its institutions.

Although many have argued that the Nigerian youth were never politically apathetic but rather, beat-down by the inefficiencies of governing institutions, others argue that the protests were the first time the youth paid attention to issues of national concern. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain; through the protests, young Nigerians were able to dispel insinuations about their indifference to political goings-on in the nation.

The Lekki Massacre dealt a huge blow to the momentum of the movement— one which eventually halted demonstrations. The protests which had persisted for two weeks, had a profound impact on the nation, compelling the government to commit to the dissolution of SARS. Additionally, authorities agreed to establish judicial panels of inquiry to investigate the pervasive allegations of misconduct by law enforcement officers.

Indeed, the protests came to an end, but their impact had far-reaching implications on the Nigerian polity. For one, it showed that it is possible for young Nigerians, of different ethnicities and faiths, to come together to demand better governance. Importantly, it signalled that with enough push, change is possible.
Against this backdrop— and of the rage caused by the Lekki massacre— the youth were mobilized in the 2023 elections, to support Peter Obi of the Labour Party for president, who, to many, appeared the best candidate to deliver a new Nigeria. As such, the 2023 general elections marked a second outing for the Nigerian youth since the #EndSARS demonstrations.

In the run-up to the elections, there was a notable surge in youth involvement in discussions and advocacy campaigns. The heightened engagement was seemingly influenced by socio-economic challenges, such as frequent university strikes and elevated rates of youth unemployment. A significant portion of the newly registered voters, comprising approximately 76%, consisted of young individuals, among whom 40% identified themselves as students.

During the elections, young Nigerians came out en masse to vote for a candidate of their choice and vote out the oppressive ruling party.

Unfortunately, their attempt to democratically topple the ruling party and install their choice of candidate proved abortive. Bola Ahmed Tinubu of the ruling party emerged, with Peter Obi, the youth’s choice candidate, emerging third in the race. If there were any hopes for a quick and immediate change, they were once again dashed. The elections, fraught with irregularities, allegations of electoral malpractice and voter suppression, left much to be desired by young Nigerians.
Undoubtedly, the outcome of the last election is yet another blow to a youth-sponsored revolution in Nigeria. Many have expressed despair about the Nigerian situation through social media and other media outlets. Some even tout relocation as the ultimate Nigerian dream.

The impact of the 2023 elections on youth morale remains uncertain in the long term, yet discernible positive outcomes underscore the significance of these events. Notably, the mobilization of young voters in support of a candidate signifies the sustained energy derived from the #EndSARS protests, demonstrating the enduring influence of youth activism. Although securing the presidency proved elusive, noteworthy victories were achieved at other levels of government and the legislature. This success effectively establishes a third force in Nigerian politics, challenging the entrenched dominance of the prevailing two-party system.
Equally crucial is the message conveyed by the substantial turnout of young voters during the recent elections. This robust participation serves as an assertion of the youth’s demand for serious consideration and an end to sidelining the political landscape of Nigeria. By actively engaging in the democratic process, the youth have unequivocally communicated their determination to shape the trajectory of the nation’s political discourse. This evolving narrative reflects a shifting dynamic in which the youth are not merely passive observers but integral contributors to the redefinition of Nigeria’s political landscape.

The #EndSARS protests catalyzed an upsurge in youth political activism across Nigeria. While the anticipated transformation may not have materialized as swiftly as hoped, significant progress has undoubtedly been achieved. The resolute efforts of the youth, spearheading movements like #EndSARS, have ignited a flame of change and laid the groundwork for increased civic engagement. As the torchbearers of a new era, the youth continue to lead the charge towards a Nigeria characterized by transparency, accountability, and a renewed sense of governance.

In hindsight, the protest has undeniably emerged as a transformative force in Nigeria, not merely as a protest against police brutality but as a catalyst that awakened political consciousness among the country’s youth. The aftermath of the protest witnessed a mobilized youth actively participating in subsequent elections, demanding accountability, transparency, and a departure from traditional political norms. The movement has awakened dormant political activism, providing a platform for young Nigerians to voice their concerns and actively engage in reshaping the political landscape. As the echoes of #EndSARS reverberate, it becomes evident that this movement has sown the seeds of a sustained and impactful youth-driven political awakening in Nigeria. And while we are unable to predict, with exactitude, the effect the current administration will have on Youth political involvement, if there is ever a time in the future when the youth can drive sustained change in Nigeria, the #EndSARS protests will go down in history as how it all started.
–  Onafowokan a Tomisin Onafowokan, public affairs analyst writes in from Lagos

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