Jatau Lauds Gov Mohammed’s Commitment to Education

Segun Awofadeji in Bauchi

Deputy Governor Mohammed Jatau has congratulated Governor Bala Mohammed on the successful organisation of the education summit in Bauchi.

Jatau acknowledged and recognised the outstanding efforts and commitment of the governor towards the development of education in Bauchi.

“Our governor has demonstrated unflinching commitment towards the development of education in Bauchi state by providing necessary support, investments, and resources to ensure that our education system is of world-class standard,” stated the deputy governor.

Jatau added, “The governor has also shown a deep understanding of the critical role education plays in the economic and social development of our state. Our administration’s investment in improved infrastructure, provision of quality learning materials, and enhanced teacher training programs is a testament to the governor’s unwavering commitment to the development of education in our state.”

Jatau explained that education must be a transformative experience, equipping the children with essential skills, knowledge, and values necessary to thrive in the 21st century, and assured stakeholders that the present administration will continue to invest in education, including the professional development of teachers.

He disclosed that the governor recently assigned him to lead a committee to identify the basic challenges affecting basic education in the state to provide better education for all by conducting an assessment exercise to provide the committee with a unique opportunity to not only identify the key issues hindering effective learning in schools but also to develop sustainable solutions that will set the state on a path towards educational excellence. 

Jatau applauded the governor for his unwavering support for initiatives to improve access and quality of education in the state and stressed the need for collective commitment to education development through building a brighter future for the children. 

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