The World in 2030

Daniel Prince 

The world, in its phenomenal revolution, has changed many people to having the instinct feeling of making the earth more sustainable and suitable for human and plant living. In human history, wars, bloodshed, backbiting, and race discrimination and bias have reversed into love, care, humble acts and relational financial support. These things are now what move the world away from what would be called ‘a generational crisis’.

The state of the world has changed remarkably, since doctors have made people all around the world stay in an uneasy peace because of the vaccine that was injected into people over Coronavirus, that has abated over the years. The disease has stopped suddenly, but the fact that it could attack again keeps revolving around peoples’ heads. However, the vaccine is unrealizably strong, due to the advanced pharmaceutical chemicals made five years ago that continued till the present age. Also, the wars are over, thanks to the truce made with all countries of the world. USA, Germany, France and Russia have sustained peace with neighboring countries, to comply with the multi-international truce. Wars are just designed to create destruction, chaos and confusion which people never understood ten years ago, but has revolved back into the people of “ignorant minds and corrupt morals”. But now, countries are conforming and accepting and valuing peoples’ beliefs, norms and customs, which has resulted into “a global peace”.

In the aspect of dietary living, food is usually cheap, caused by humanly living by growing of fruits and other activities which have improved the ecosystem and its inhabitants. Because of the act of a clean person and the heart of ‘planting to make a green world’ has made earth preserve super-healthy foods that have resulted into people being immune to any disease or infirmity. In the economy, food is now referred to as an ‘essential commodity’ that is surprisingly coming up fast, with easier purchases. Food is ultimately cheap enough for people of any category to afford and to ensure long life and a healthy lifestyle. In addition to the present state of the world, immoral activities have stopped mysteriously, could be something spiritual, I guess. adultery, polygamous marriages, bestiality and so on are one of the things that were rethought among the doers of these abominable acts and turn to good living. I don’t mean to go religious or spiritualistic, but for Bible scholars, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the city got punished for their immoral activities. I don’t mean to stereotype or be religious-bias, but all these have turned out to be good to peoples’ character, making them to sustain karma and good morals.

In the aspect of peoples’ living and lifestyle, unbalanced and race discrimination, along with self-centered personalities have stopped and turned into love and care with people of different races along with a good sense of humility. In a world in the past, where tribal, racial and color passion and interest in all races have resurrected into human hearts. Discrimination, the intended or accomplished differential treatment of persons or social groups for reasons of certain generalized traits, is what blinded the hearts of many to see love ten years ago. Ten years after 2020, we are beginning to see and realize the meaninglessness of our daily riots over peoples’ races and tribes.

What I do in this world matters, so making the world better is the first thing on my checklist, but, technology would be involved. I don’t want to be those people that wake up every morning, take the morning cereal, bath, sit down and think that where I am is comfortable, that means you’re selfish. I want to wake up, thinking of how to make the world more habitable and comfortable to live in. Also, keeping mother nature safe from viral threats, that could develop into diseases, like the one that occurred globally ten years ago. Unlike, ten years ago, where people want to survive but cannot take care of nature, here, people care for the world by keeping it clean and tidy.

Other things that might be of great importance to tell you is the feeling of unity amongst nations, tribes and races in each denomination of the world; doing social gatherings together, relating thoughts and opinions to one another, as a result of love, which is continuous in our present era. All meaningless thoughts of conflict have stopped in the mindsets of all mankind. Truly, if love and unity abide with a nation, then, in this present era of ours, nothing is difficult to conquer.

Prince is a senior secondary two student of Providence Height Secondary School

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