AFARN Commends Aviation Minister on Sector Reforms

Stories by Chinedu Eze

Tthe Association of Foreign Airlines and Representatives in Nigeria (AFARN) has commended the Minister of Aviation, Festus Keyamo for his on-going efforts to reform the industry.

The body made this known during its new year review of the sector and the setting of new agenda for 2024.

According to the body, with what the Minister is doing so far, the association is fully behind him, as he carries out critical changes in the sector.

President of AFARN, Dr. Kingsley Nwokoma said: “It is customary for AFARN as a body to review the activities in the aviation industry each year that passes and to also set agenda in the new year for those saddled with enormous responsibility of our aviation growth and development which everyone knows is key to our national development, as a leading player in the African sub-region.

“Clearly we are in tune with the appointment of the current Aviation Minister, Mr. Festus Keyamo, by the federal government, who for months now since he assumed office, has hit the ground running, with a promise to reform the aviation industry, for the common good. Although, the aviation sector had witnessed avalanche of ministers, with some of them found to promote policies that inhibited growth and discouraged local entrepreneurs, we expect a paradigm shift in the new dispensation, given the premium placed on the aviation industry by the federal government. We urge the minister to take holistic look at the aviation sub- sector with a view to finding lasting and permanent solution to the perennial scarcity of aviation fuel, currently sold as high as N700 per litre, or even more; high exchange rate of the naira to US dollar and resolution of the long standing problems of remittance of funds owed the foreign airlines,” Nwokoma said.

AFARNalso stated that it wants to see in clear terms the manifestation of the minister’s promise on strict compliance with national laws and regulations and international obligations, improvement and development of infrastructure for passengers on domestic destinations, human capacity development and optimization of revenue generation.

“The Minister should as a matter of deep concern beam his search light on safety issues, starting from checkmating the influx of those who troop to the airports without genuine business. Although FAAN has remained upbeat in warding off undesirable elements at the airports, but more still needs to be done to avoid safety breach that may not augur well for the country, especially this time Nigeria is challenged by insecurity,” Nwokoma Further said.

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