Blanche Aigle CEO Makes 50 Influential Women in Marketing

Omolabake Fasogbon

The Chief Executive Officer of Blanche Aigle Communication, a foremost public relations agency, Nene Bejide, has been named one of the 50 influential women in marketing communications by Brand Communicator.

Bejide was recognised alongside others at the Women in Marketing Communication (WIMCA) Conference/Awards organised by Brand Communicator, in Lagos, recently. 

Themed, ‘Positioning for Premium Performance,’ the event brought together thought leaders in marketing communications who charted growth path to improving performance and efficiency in the communications sector. 

Bejide, a panelist during a session at the event, spoke on “Maximising Digital Access in Building Strong Personal Brands,” where she emphasised technology adoption for effective brand building. 

Speaking on her recognition, she said the feat was due to the exceptional delivery at Blanche Aigle, dedicating the award to her team. 

She further expressed appreciation to WIMCA, partners and client for being part of the organisation’s success story and believing in their expertise. 

“We will continue to make an efficient impact in communications across the globe and drive brand narratives that will propel organisations to success,” she assured. 

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