IREDE Foundation,  CFAO Yamaha Partner  to Empower Two Child-Amputees

Ugo Aliogo

The IREDE Foundation has partnered CFAO Yamaha Motors to empower two child-amputees.

 It was noted in a statement that the partnership was a collaborative effort to empower the child-amputees also known as champions Princess I and Enitan O, with prosthetic limbs, thereby helping them to have self-sufficient lives and educate over 500 children on disability, through the distribution of IREDIANS (a disability-focused comic book) and create a more inclusive and supportive environment.

The Senior Marketing Officer of CFAO Yamaha Motors, Tolulope Ojabodu, commended The IREDE team, and revealed the significance of the partnership.

She applauded the efforts in educating children with disability and also providing ease of mobility, independence, and accessibility to go back to school.

Ojabodu expressed the company’s commitment to doing more with The IREDE Foundation, saying: “We look forward to doing more with The IREDE Foundation. Education shouldn’t stop to help limit stigmatization. Well done, IREDE,” she added.

Also, the Executive Director of The IREDE Foundation, Mrs. Crystal Chigbu, highlighted the impact of the partnership on promoting the society’s inclusion of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) to reduce societal stigma.

 The statement further explained that the partnership has served as a source of hope and motivation for ‘champions’ Princess I and Enitan O, helping them to live their lives to the fullest.

It added that the event provided an avenue to promote behavioural change by educating 500 students at the Isolo Senior High School, Lagos, on disability.

Chigbu urged everyone to keep spreading the IREDE Foundation’s message of hope and extend their hands to those who need it most.

According to the statement, “Together, we can build a more inclusive and supportive society where champions can thrive and reach their full potential.”

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