When Aisha Achimugu Hosted the HNIs at 50th Birthday 

Exactly 10 years ago when pretty Abuja businesswoman, Aisha Achimugu marked her 40th birthday, the country virtually stood still with parties that attracted creme de la creme of society from Abuja to Lagos. Because she is a silent player in the oil and gas sector, many who didn’t know were full of questions, ‘how did she pull it off?’

The mother of three not only enjoyed herself but also spread the love with visits to orphanages and gifts to needy. 

Fast forward to 2024 January. For a woman with panache, sophistication and taste for the uncommon, it was only normal that she marked the special day in a way that would live up to her status but also billing of an A Class celebrity, after all, 50th birthday only comes once.

Grenada was the destination for the first leg of the birthday party where she and a  select group of friends kicked off the soiree, blessing the island with her generosity. It was therefore no news that the Grenadians welcomed her with open arms.

She revealed that she was indeed deeply honoured that Grenadians accepted her as one of their citizens, she also highlighting what being 50 meant to her. In her words, “I enjoy giving back to the society. God has been good to me and the least I can do is give back. This celebration will not have been complete if I don’t give back to the society. It’s not enough and it’s not complete. I look forward to coming back, like I told the Prime Minister, I look forward to helping in finding solutions to the challenges the country have especially in education, healthcare and women empowerment. These are areas that give me joy.”

She also promised to grant scholarships to five students in the country in continuation of her activities in Nigeria through her SÀM, a non-governmental organisation dedicated to philanthropic activities named after her sons.

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