Sunil Natraj: My Mission is to Simplify E-commerce Experience, Enhance Accessibility

Sunil Natraj is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Jumia Nigeria. Sunil came to Jumia in 2022 with extensive experience in Sub-saharan Africa. In Jumia, he handled the Jumia Express logistics business as VP of Sales and Marketing based in Lagos, Nigeria before becoming the CEO of Jumia Ghana. In this interview, he revealed his plans for the company and topical issues in the e-commerce space and payment industry in Nigeria. Excerpts

Having been with Jumia since 2022 and now assuming the role of CEO at Jumia Nigeria, could you elaborate on your mission, vision, and strategies for the company?

My mission is to simplify the E-commerce experience and enhance accessibility. This encompasses expanding product reach, extending sales to a broader consumer base, and extending the advantages of online shopping to rural communities. To achieve this, our strategies revolve around improving logistics for quicker deliveries, particularly for consumers in secondary cities and rural areas. Additionally, I aim to diversify our product offerings and forge partnerships with renowned brands to ensure top-notch quality. Moreover, I am committed to fostering a thriving ecosystem for sellers and merchants, supporting their growth by providing comprehensive tools and resources.

How do you see the Nigerian market in comparison to other markets you have worked in within Sub-Saharan Africa?

Having had the privilege of working across various markets in Sub-Saharan Africa, I find the Nigerian market to be both dynamic and full of potential. Nigeria, being the most populous country on the continent, presents unique challenges and opportunities.

One key aspect is the diversity in consumer preferences and behaviours across different regions. I must also acknowledge the resilience of the Nigerian market in the face of economic challenges. There is a spirit of entrepreneurship and a willingness to embrace new technologies, which bodes well for e-commerce growth.

Overall, my vision for Jumia Nigeria is to build on its existing strengths and propel the company to new heights of success. With a customer-centric approach, innovative solutions, and a commitment to local partnerships, I am confident that Jumia Nigeria can continue and will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the e-commerce landscape in Nigeria.

A crucial aspect of your role involves enhancing Jumia’s market presence in the Nigerian E-commerce sector, surpassing its current standing. How do you plan to accomplish this?

At Jumia, our strategic focus transcends the pursuit of market share, as we are already the industry leader. Market share, for us, symbolises market ambition. We live in a world where we are defined by our own objectives and ambition. Our ambition is centred around delivering unparalleled value to our customers and fostering sustainable growth. To achieve this, our strategy involves continuous innovation, enhancing customer experience, and expanding our product offerings.

Statistically, Jumia has demonstrated a higher volume of sales in the mobile phone category. How do you plan to sustain this momentum and foster growth in additional product categories?

Our strategic focus revolves around key categories such as mobile phones, electronics, home products, and appliances, where we have observed significant sales traction. We also recognize that continuing this momentum and extending growth into additional product categories is essential for long-term success. We are committed to enhancing consumer satisfaction by implementing robust strategies and fostering collaboration within the industry. By doing so, we aim not only to maintain success but also to cultivate growth in diverse product categories, ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable expansion for Jumia.

Customer satisfaction is key in any industry, especially in the E-commerce industry. How do you plan to push the customer experience and retain loyal customers?

Absolutely, customer satisfaction is at the core of our strategy for enhancing the E-commerce experience. The first method we employ is a commitment to Honesty. We firmly believe in promising only what we can deliver as well as ensuring clear and honest communication at every step. Our approach is to set realistic expectations, and more importantly, to surpass them.

Secondly, trust is the foundation of our ecommerce service. We recognize that we can’t afford to compromise on the trust our customers place in us. This principle is woven into every aspect of our business, starting from the moment a customer makes a purchase, throughout the journey, and even during the return process. We go the extra mile to instil confidence in our customers, ensuring that their experiences with us are not only seamless but also exceed their expectations.

What CSR projects is Jumia embarking on to improve community development?

We are currently in the planning stages of a significant CSR project geared towards enhancing the overall ecosystem. Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose specific details at this moment. However, I can assure you that our commitment to community development remains unwavering. As a company, we consistently invest in the well-being and growth of the communities that contribute to our success, whether they are located in upcountry regions or among our valued network of agents. Our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility is grounded in a dedication to making a positive impact on the communities we serve, and we look forward to sharing more details about our upcoming project once it reaches a stage where we can unveil the specifics.

Given the significant impact of marketing campaigns on consumer engagement, can you share insights into any strategic plans or further plans to expand market share of this key shopping event?

Jumia’s Tier 1 marketing campaigns hold immense significance for consumers not only in Nigeria but across Africa. They have become ingrained in our culture as pivotal shopping events, and their success resonates with consumers in the country. The success we’ve witnessed so far has fueled our enthusiasm to explore new avenues and enhance the overall shopping experience for our consumers. Our goal is to amplify the impact of our campaigns, providing even more exciting opportunities for our customers to enjoy exclusive deals and savings.

I would also like to restate that we do not focus on market share. Our goal is to prioritise customer satisfaction and loyalty over market share metrics. Instead of focusing solely on expanding our market share, we are committed to delivering exceptional value and service, fostering long-term relationships with our customers.

Drawing on your extensive experience in the ecommerce sector, could you shed light on the challenges specific to the Nigerian ecommerce landscape, and what strategies do you envision implementing to navigate and overcome these hurdles?

Undoubtedly, challenges are inherent in various industries, and the ecommerce sector is no exception. Specifically, in the Nigerian market, two prominent challenges stand out: infrastructure issues and payment processes. However, at Jumia, our approach is rooted in transforming challenges into opportunities. Rather than viewing these obstacles as roadblocks, we see them as chances to innovate and enhance our operations. To address infrastructure issues, we are dedicated to simplifying our networks and operations, ensuring a seamless experience for both sellers and consumers.

One noteworthy success story in this regard is our implementation of efficient pickup stations in Ivory Coast and Ghana. This initiative has proven highly successful, streamlining processes and improving convenience for our customers. We aspire to replicate this success across Nigeria, making it easy for consumers to engage with our platform.

With the increasing prominence of payment and financial transactions in Nigeria, could you provide insights into Jumia’s activities and initiatives in this domain?

We have the necessary licences to operate payment routes with JumiaPay, our dedicated payment platform. This empowers us to seamlessly process all payments received, ensuring a smooth and reliable transaction experience. Notably, all prepaid orders conducted on the Jumia platform exclusively utilise our JumiaPay service, which stands out for its reliability, efficiency, and speed. Furthermore, customers have the convenience of using JumiaPay not only during the online purchase process but also at the time of delivery, underscoring our commitment to providing a comprehensive and user-friendly payment solution.

Lastly, what message do you have for your stakeholders and where do you see Jumia in the next five years?

In the next five years, we aim to solidify our standing as the leading e-commerce platform in Africa and we hope to be the most trusted brand in Nigeria. Our strategic focus is on consolidation, innovation, and fostering consumer satisfaction. To our stakeholders, we express gratitude for their continued support and confidence in Jumia’s journey. We are committed to delivering long-term value and believe that the next five years will witness significant growth and success for Jumia.


“We also recognize that continuing this momentum and extending growth into additional product categories is essential for long-term success. We are committed to enhancing consumer satisfaction by implementing robust strategies and fostering collaboration within the industry. By doing so, we aim not only to maintain success but also to cultivate growth in diverse product categories, ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable expansion for Jumia.”

“One noteworthy success story in this regard is our implementation of efficient pickup stations in Ivory Coast and Ghana. This initiative has proven highly successful, streamlining processes and improving convenience for our customers. We aspire to replicate this success across Nigeria, making it easy for consumers to engage with our platform.”

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