New Horizons for Catherine Nwosu

To the individual ready to take on the world and experience new and awesome things, the global marketplace is an open field. Being such a person, Catherine Nwosu is set to experience new horizons at Africa Prudential PLC. None of this is particularly surprising due to Nwosu’s practical corporate accumulations over the years.

Africa Prudential PLC is currently the centre of attraction among businesses operating in Africa and is focused on providing innovative business solutions to existing problems. The reason for Africa Prudential PLC’s recent prominence is the company’s decision to have Nwosu steer its operations as the Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

According to the communique released by the company, Nwosu is expected to take over from Mr. Obong Idiong, the former MD/CEO of Africa Prudential PLC. Starting March 1, 2024, Nwosu will be in charge of moving the company forward, starting with where Idiong stopped and bringing her wealth of experience to the board.

The company’s confidence in Nwosu is understandable. She has a strong and convincing career profile in the financial services industry and has crystallised her skills in business planning, analytics, banking, accounting, and options. It is on this account that she served as African Prudential PLC’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) between 2010 and 2022. It is also because of her skills and experience that she occupied the enviable position of Head of Stakeholders Engagement at BUA Group.

Nwosu has proved herself to be an asset in every position held since she served the United Bank of Africa (UBA) as a customer service and teller officer as far back as the early ‘90s. She has come far in her corporate journey and acquired more colourful certifications, like that of the Lagos Business School’s Senior Management Program and as a Fellow of the Institute of Capital Market Registrars.

Certainly, Africa Prudential PLC is set to take the next step forward. With Nwosu at the helm of affairs, the company’s prospects will noticeably change for the better.

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