It looks like Amelia Earhart has been found or maybe just her plane but is this a great find or another myth gone?

If she has been found and eventually her remains recovered there will be a ceremony of remembrance but her friends and family won’t be able to attend as they will also be long gone.

The sonar photo of the ‘plane’ looks like a plane but is very fuzzy, maybe it’s the same camera they use for bigfoot photos. With a high resolution camera in every pocket why are there no clear photos of the numerous mysterious animals and ufos that so many people, some of them even sober, claim to have seen?

We need our mysteries that amuse most, provide material for documentary makers, give small towns a tourist boost, and give the ‘fringe dwellers’ something to worry about beyond falling off the edge of the Earth.

Old mysteries are a waste of time but fun, solved mysteries disappear into the mists of the past, eventually forgotten.

Vale, Amelia Earhart, wherever and whenever.

Dennis Fitzgerald,

Melbourne, Australia

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