Why Fame is not Easy to Control for the Popular Artistes – Chamberlain Emmanuel, CEO of Dgee Power Entertainment

Anyone who is acquainted with his multifaceted personality will find it difficult to define Chamberlain Emmanuel by a single characteristic. An entertainment magnate, an event manager, an oil broker―he is all rolled into one. What’s more, anyone who has the opportunity to cross his path will remember him for his entrepreneurial mindset and financial intelligence.
Born and raised in Abia with five siblings in a modest family without the benefit of a rich background, he carved his path through life by dint of hard work and determination to be a self-made man.

Armed with a degree in Public Administration, he set out to establish an enterprise.
Today, Dgee Power Entertainment, which he founded, has become a business empire to reckon with.
“The most significant thing I’ve learnt is that everyone must go through a fair amount of events in life, whether positive or negative. I have had mine. A few times, life has knocked me to my knees and forced me to face things I never wanted to. I did, without a doubt, feel miserable and unsuccessful. But one thing is sure and visible, I always got up,” he said in a recent interview.

He is a man driven by a philosophy, which he explained thus: “I believe that life is more about doing your best than actually being the best. This means getting up, showing up, following your heart even when it’s hard, and never giving up because if you truly care about something, you don’t have to be pushed to do it. I have a significant impact on pushing people and assisting them in moving forward more quickly towards their life goals.”
He also belongs to the school of thought that believes that when life throws lemons at you, rather than complains, make lemonade.
“One lesson I cannot unlearn in life is that life continues, whether you do your best, become the best version of yourself, or wallow in regret for the rest of your life,” he mused.

For many who look up to him as an inspiration, he offered these priceless nuggets of advice: “Get up, be fearless, be happy with who you are, love with all of your heart and let it sink into your soul that life isn’t just about finding yourself, it is about becoming you. Life is too short to not keep your dreams alive. If you dream it, it is possible.”

Statements from his profile―such as “Going forward in life has been my ultimate goal”―are a pointer to his bullish orientation towards life in general.
The most intriguing part of his personality remains his multifaceted persona. For, indeed, he is a man who wears many hats.
Generally, he captures all his professional endeavours in a simple self-introduction on his online profile―”I am an entertainment consultant, event organizer, international show promoter and manager. I am an oil broker and politically exposed.”

However, he is easily recognized as a showbiz impresario, courtesy of being the manager of his superstar cousin, Nollywood actress Angela Okorie.
Reflecting on the task of managing a star, based on his experience with his sister, he said: “Some artists need calm a personality to keep them going because fame is not easy to control.”

By and large, questions are often about his entertainment career.
The Dgee Power Entertainment boss pulls no punch when he went down memory lane to talk about his days of little beginning.
“I started my entertainment company when I was still a student. Basically, finance and managing people that worked with me was a great difficulty. Managing human beings comes with so many things, when you feel you’re growing with your workers, some will start developing the spirit of envy. But today, I have so many businesses that a lot of people don’t even know I’m the owner. And, the businesses are running well in Nigeria and beyond,” he said.
With his hands in many pies, he is, without any doubt, focused on a brighter tomorrow.

The Ebonyi-born CEO is not shy of sharing his dream: “My short and long-term goal in the oil business is to become a profitable global independent service company with a fully developed Technical Services sector, which includes all aspects of reservoir evaluation, Field Development Planning, well project management, engineering design and construction, and production engineering, with full operation presence in Nigeria

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