Supersonic Rise of Abayomi Awobokun

In the march of progress, vision and diligence beat everything. Abayomi Awobokun, the CEO of ENYO Retail and Supply Limited, possesses these qualities and has used them effectively to outpace the expectations of peers and superiors. His rise can only be described as meteoric, a thing of legend, splendidly cheered by a background incompatible with his current condition.

There are many success stories in Nigeria, especially in the corporate corridor. That of Awobokun has a stage to itself because of the pace at which it went from playing a dour theme to a majestic one. It is the story of a graduate of Applied Mathematics from an ordinary family and projected to have an ordinary future.

Awobokun’s parents are certainly not run-of-the-mill. His father is a medical doctor and his mother’s roots are in the law profession. But Awobokun did not exactly inherit their aristocratic pedigree. He chose to make a path for himself, a path that someone once projected as likely to peak in a classroom in some obscure place.

Awobokun has eclipsed such projections. He started from Oando PLC where he jumped on an opportunity to work in tech. Despite his natural intellectual advantages, Awobokun remained there because of his passion for the domain, only moving to another department when he was required to.

From Oando, Awobokun directly started ENYO Retail and Supply Limited, not minding how the industry was clogged with businesses with similar goals of standing out. In the years that have passed, Awobokun’s distinction has shown itself in ENYO’s success, far removed from the ups and downs of the mainstream trajectory of business operations.

Today’s Awobokun is also a tall expert. His signature cuts across three continents. With his gaze focused on quality tasks and service delivery, his ENYO Retail and Supply Limited shares the stage with few equals.

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