The Chief of Naval Staff, Emmanuel Ogalla, is doing a remarkable job in the nation’s maritime sector, argues Beredugo Aladeinyefa 

In recent weeks, disturbing news have emerged, targeting Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ikechukwu Ogalla since he assumed the position of Chief of Naval Staff. These allegations, fueled by hidden agendas, seek to undermine and impede the CNS’s achievements, and tarnish his reputation. 

   However, it is imperative that we recognize these conspiracies for what they are and stand against those who seek to sabotage the progress he brings to the nation’s maritime sector. 

   Ogalla, a naval officer with an impeccable track record of distinguished service over the years, was appointed Chief of Naval Staff to lead Nigeria’s Navy into a new era of professionalism, transparency, and efficiency. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated in words and deeds, dedication to duties, earning respect for his competence, integrity, and commitment to national security.

   Under his leadership, the Nigerian Navy has made significant strides in combating maritime crimes, safeguarding Nigeria waters, and protecting vital oil installations. His relentless pursuit of excellence has resulted in improved operational readiness, enhanced intelligence-gathering capabilities, and successful joint operations with international partners. These achievements have not only bolstered national security, but also strengthened Nigeria’s international reputation as a responsible maritime nation, while plugging leakages in the crude oil sector and stemming the shameful tide of oil bunkering by economic saboteurs. 

   Ogalla’s efforts in this disturbing area which has cost the nation colossal and monumental loss of revenue resulted in seizing of oil bunkering vessels. This huge effort must have sent warning signal to the oil thieves and their collaborators, hence they are fighting back through the instrumentality of falsehood. They know that falsehood sells and sticks but they failed to reckon with the integrity of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The President is not one who will swallow any information hook, line and sinker without proper background checks. 

   The allegations against Vice Admiral Ogalla are baseless as they are aimed at tarnishing his image and accomplishments. Their motives are clear and predicated on protecting themselves from being found out, and continuing their oil bunkering and illicit operation. They are obviously afraid of being held accountable for their own misdeeds. But the truth is, their time is running out. 

   One of the baseless conspiracy theories alleged that Ogalla is responsible for “illegal oil bunkering and betrayal of maritime assets.” However, this accusation lacks any substantive evidence. In fact, it is under his command that the Nigerian Navy has intensified operations to combat oil theft, illegal bunkering, and piracy. His efforts have resulted in numerous successful missions, leading to the arrest and prosecution of criminals involved in maritime crimes.

   Additionally, these conspirators have sought to falsely implicate Ogalla in various scandals, aiming to blackmail and discredit him. Their timing and origin only serve to raise suspicions about their authenticity and underlying intent.

  The true agenda driving them is rooted in the fear and apprehension experienced by those who have thrived on illicit activities in our maritime space. Vice Admiral Ogalla’s uncompromising dedication to eradicating maritime criminality jeopardizes their ill-gotten gains and illegal operations. 

  So, by and large, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu holds the key to ensuring that Vice Admiral Ogalla’s exceptional service is not undermined by malicious agendas. It is crucial for the President to recognize the valuable contribution of the Vice Admiral and to take a firm stance against these conspiracies that seek to impede progress and accountability. He pristinely represents everything Tinubu promised in his manifesto of restoring integrity in our oil and maritime sector.

   Ogalla’s appointment as Nigeria’s Chief of Naval Staff marked a crucial juncture in the nation’s naval history. His dedication, competence, and impeccable record have already brought about significant changes beneficial to national security and the fight against maritime criminality. It is imperative that we recognize and reject the baseless accusations aimed at discrediting him. As a nation, we must stand firm against those seeking to undermine progress and accountability.

Dr. Aladeinyefa writes from Yenagoa, Bayelsa State and can be reached on bereinyefa@gmail.com

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