Honda 0 Series: Embodiment of Mobility Dream

Bennett Oghifo

In addition to returning to its starting point to create new value, the Honda 0 Series represents “zero,” a core value Honda has always valued, the automaker has said.

The Honda 0 Series was presented at the CES 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Under its global brand slogan “The Power of Dreams – How we move you.” Honda is always driven by “dreams,” and by creating new value through creative thinking from zero, Honda will provide experiences that will become a new starting point for its customers. This is how Honda has, and will move people and their hearts.

Honda is also determined to achieve “zero environmental impact” throughout the vehicle’s life cycle, including corporate activities, and “zero traffic collision fatalities” involving Honda motorcycles and automobiles.

The Honda 0 Series also represents Honda commitment to reset the status quo, to create completely new value, and is represented by the concept models Saloon and Space-Hub.

Honda 0 Series flagship concept model “Saloon”. The dedicated EV architecture extends the degree of freedom in design and elevates the M/M concept in the era of EVs. The low height, sporty styling that sets the Saloon apart from other EVs at first glance realizes both a fascinating design and an interior space that is more spacious than people can imagine based on the exterior appearance.

The Space-Hub was developed under the theme of “augmenting people’s daily lives,” offering a flexible space that immediately accommodates what the users want to do, and becomes a hub that connects people to people and people to society, generating mutual resonance with each other.

In 2026, Honda will begin introducing the first model of the Honda 0 Series, alongside the new “H mark” globally, starting from North America, then to Japan, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East and South America.

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