​ We must raise our voices against the recent approval by President  Bola Tinubu regarding the creation of state police. While on the surface, this might seem like a step towards better law enforcement, let’s not be naive about the potential dangers lurking beneath. History has shown us time and time again how politicians misuse such systems for their own agendas. State police can easily become tools in the hands of politicians, used to intimidate opponents, suppress dissent, and manipulate the law for their own political gains. Let’s not forget the dangers of sentiment campaigns, and the divisive nature of politics. With state police at the disposal of politicians, there’s a real risk of them being used to target certain communities, minorities, or even rival political factions under the guise of maintaining law and order.

We must demand transparency, accountability, and safeguards against such misuse before blindly accepting the creation of state police. Our safety and democracy are at stake, and we cannot afford to be complacent. Let’s raise our voices, stand united, and urge President Tinubu to reconsider this decision in light of the potential dangers it poses to our society.

Engr Abdulmajid Lawal, Jos, Plateau State

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