Olusegun Runsewe: Many Accolades

Distinction marks an individual for excellence and excellence often clears the path for recognition. Olusegun Runsewe may not be deliberate about this formula but he has chanced upon its benefits in the last five years or so. Counting his expressions of commitment to arts, culture, and tourism in Nigeria, it would not be surprising if another nation invites him over to have him promote their cultures as he has done Nigeria’s.

The former DG of the National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC), Runsewe, continues to claim accolade after accolade on account of his robust understanding of the arts and cultural sector, as well as his recommendations to that effect. Suggesting new means through which Nigeria may stand out and provide for her people, Runsewe’s past accomplishments come to mind, lending a voice to his belief in the possibilities of the future.

In the mind of Runsewe, tourism can be leveraged as Nigeria’s most potent means of national income. Counting Nigeria’s arts and culture as currencies that can be exchanged for considerable recognition across Africa and the globe, Runsewe has never been shy claiming that tourism can be the country’s new oil.

As many different people say many different things, there is a tendency to think that Runsewe only says such things to sound different. But the accolades that accompanied his work in NCAC stand as proof that he is serious about the prospects of Nigeria based on tourism and firmly believes in this vision.

This is why organisations are falling over their heads to award Runsewe’s past achievements at NCAC. The latest of these organisations is the committee behind the annual Sportsville Special Recognition Awards. According to reports, they intend to honour Runsewe along with several other dignitaries for encouraging Nigeria and Nigerians to excel outside the country’s shores.

Yes, it is a merry day for Runsewe, the master of new accolades. He has done many solid things and is committed to doing more.

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