Onwumere’s Recipe for Empowerment in Nigeria     

Fadekemi Ajakaiye 

In a nation where economic challenges seem to overshadow dreams, the Chairman of PWAN Group, Dr. Augustine Onwumere, stands as a beacon of hope, lighting the path toward prosperity for countless individuals. Directly in charge of PWAN MAX, a leading affiliate within the PWAN Group, Dr. Onwumere has embarked on a mission to empower and uplift his team of marketers, known as PBOs, in the face of adversity.

Recently, PWAN Max hosted an inspirational event titled “THE WAY” at their headquarters in Lagos. The gathering wasn’t just about business; it was about instilling a sense of purpose, resilience and possibility in every attendee. Dr. Onwumere orchestrated the event not only to motivate his team, but also to provide tangible opportunities for growth and success.

At the heart of Dr. Onwumere’s vision lies a commitment to ensuring that every PBO has the chance to thrive, even amidst Nigeria’s challenging economic landscape. His words: “This programme is designed to start the year for PBOs. THE WAY is actually my gift to you to tell you that I am ready for you this 2024. We will make it happen for all of you. You all know that prices of goods are going up every day. Two days ago, I wanted to buy a two-horse power air conditioner. Two months back, I bought the same specification at N385,000. Today, a mere two-month interval, the air conditioner sells at N690,000. Should we just be watching? No.”  

Through initiatives like the PBO Gardens project, an Exclusive Residential Estate for PBOs, Dr Onwumere is offering a pathway for individuals to secure land ownership, a dream that might otherwise seem unattainable. And by making land ownership accessible through manageable payment plans, he’s empowering PBOs to build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

Dr. Onwumere’s dedication to the well-being of his team extends beyond financial empowerment. He’s launching innovative programmes like the PBO Baptism Class, a comprehensive training course designed to equip PBOs with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the real estate business. This initiative reflects his belief in continuous learning and personal development as catalysts for success.

His vision, however, doesn’t stop there. With a keen eye on the future, he’s committed to expanding PWAN Max’s reach and impact. By announcing plans for new affiliates and promising to address longstanding issues within the company, he’s demonstrating his unwavering dedication to the success and prosperity of all involved.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Dr. Onwumere’s leadership is his unwavering faith in the potential of his team and the real estate industry as a whole. He reminds us that in times of economic uncertainty, opportunities for growth and prosperity still exist. By fostering a culture of resilience, innovation and collaboration, he’s creating an environment where dreams can flourish and ambitions can be realized.

Quoting the esteemed business leader and author, Robert Kiyosaki, Dr Onwumere noted that the worst recession has not yet hit the world. “In 2008, there was a recession; in 2023 there was recession too and up till now there is recession – what we knew as austerity in 1980. You are not in PWAN by mistake. God had signalled that the country will have issues of this nature, where there will be scarcity, hunger and every kind of negative thing you can think of. It’s happening and we can’t pretend that it’s not. So, what you are going to do, as somebody who knows that the system is not smiling, is to retrace yourself by replanning or plan and plan again,” he said.

“Ask yourself; what do I do to have more money; because the prices will not go down. Sliced bread was N1,200; it is N2,600 now. Agege bread, the favourite of commoners in Lagos, was N600, now it is N1,200. Don’t deceive yourselves and don’t sit at home thinking that something will change overnight. It will not happen. What you have to do is to re-strategize; think of new ways to make more money. And the only way is to sell more and recruit. Constantly talk to five people every day to join the PBO system of real estate marketing business,” he pointed out.

As Dr. Onwumere continues to pave the way for empowerment and success in Nigeria’s real estate sector, his message resounds loud and clear: no obstacle is insurmountable, and no dream is too big. With determination, perseverance and a shared sense of purpose, anything is possible. Through his leadership, Dr. Onwumere is not just building houses; he’s building dreams. And in doing so, he’s inspiring others to do the same.

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