REA, EY to Collaborate on Sustainable Energy Access With States, Discos

Nume Ekeghe

The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) in partnership with Ernst & Young (EY), have concluded arrangements to organise a workshop to dissect ways and means for improved energy access through the collaboration with states and Distribution companies (Discos).

The partnership is sequel to the signing the Electric Power Sector Reform Act (2023) by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

According to REA, “The partnership is on the back of fulfilling our mandate and ensure the smooth delivery of some of our projects, stating the need to create a harmonious working relationship between the REA, states and the Distributions Companies.

“The objectives of the roundtable is to create a pathway that will provide access to data on unelectrified communities, allow for proper coordination/flow of information within the Discos, States and Federal and other private partners.”

On its part, EY said: “As a global professional services firm, EY is committed to building a better working world with increased trust and confidence in business, sustainable growth, and greater collaboration. We want to build a better working world through our own actions and by engaging with various stakeholders who count on us to deliver quality and excellent services. At EY we believe when business works better the world works better.”

Themed, “Implementing the Electricity Act 2023: Improved energy access through collaboration with states and Discos—The Nigeria outlook,” the roundtable holds at the Nigeria Airforce Conference Centre in Abuja.

Through the partnership, EY said it will provide specialised technical assistance to facilitate and coordinate the roundtable.

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