Abhulimhen Ehizokhale urges Labour Party to conduct transparent primaries

In the heart of Edo State, a political wind of change is stirring, and Olumide Akpata stands at the forefront with a promise to restore what the state has been missing. As the Labour Party’s gubernatorial primaries loom on the horizon, Akpata’s vision takes center stage, offering a beacon of hope for a state yearning for transformation.

What Edo State has been missing is not just infrastructure or economic development, it is a comprehensive plan that addresses the intricate challenges that have held the state back. Akpata, with his seasoned political acumen and grassroots connections, identifies this missing link as a lack of a cohesive vision for progress.

A path to wealth is just what Edo State needs at this pivotal moment in its history. In order to address problems with unemployment, education, healthcare, and infrastructure development, the state has been lacking a well-defined plan. By offering a thorough plan that revitalises the state and ushers it into a new era of growth and wealth, Akpata hopes to close these gaps. 

Akpata’s blueprint aims to restore the missing elements in Edo State’s trajectory. His comprehensive policy framework encompasses job creation initiatives, education reforms, healthcare improvements, and strategic infrastructure development. Through this, Akpata envisions a revitalized state that not only catches up with its counterparts but sets the pace for sustainable progress.

However, as the Labour Party’s primaries draw near, another missing link comes into focus – the need for transparency. The democratic process within the party must be open, accountable, and free from any shadows of doubt. The party’s members and the electorate at large have a right to witness a fair and just selection process.

The Labour Party needs to start with a clear and transparent nomination procedure if Edo State is to make any real progress. The Party needs to make sure that the forthcoming primaries demonstrate its dedication to democratic ideals. This is about more than just picking a candidate; it’s about demonstrating to the populace that their opinions count.

The need for transparency in the LP primaries is more than just a procedural requirement; it reflects the principles that the party stands for. As Akpata works to replace the missing link in Edo State’s development, the path to success must be illuminated by the light of transparency. 

In the days leading up to the primaries, the spotlight is on Akpata and the Labour Party. Will the missing links be addressed, ushering in a new era for Edo State, or will the shadows of uncertainty persist? The future of the state hangs in the balance, and it’s a balance that Akpata, with his vision for Edo’s restoration, is determined to tip towards prosperity, growth, and transparency.

.Ehizokhale writes from Benin

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