


·         The import of representative democracy is to give an avenue by which the citizenry can utilize in deciding on matters of the state through elected legislators in an assembly. In this sort of vehicle of governance, complex decisions are made in an efficient way. More so, in spite of the fact that the majority will have their way, in representative democracy, the minority will have their voices heard. Additionally and very importantly, in this system of government, political stability is ensured given that different interests are given the platform to negotiate and find common ground. 


·         However, as beautiful as this picture of representative democracy looks, a people can only reap the benefits of democracy when they elect competent and patriotic politicians into the hallowed chambers of their assemblies. And that is why one of the main reasons why Nigeria as a nation is facing plethora of problems is the fact that many of the elected legislators, both at state and national levels, are either incompetent or are not patriotic enough to give their constituents fair representations. And in the few constituencies that have very active representatives in the legislature, life is made better both through legislative functions and constituency projects. 


·         The member in the Bauchi state House of Assembly representing Jama’are Constituency for example, is making a difference. Hon. Mubarak Haruna (Mairakumi) has remained very consistent in making sure that his constituents get the dividends of democracy. He does this both through legislative functions and constituency projects. Thus far, the gentleman politician has moved many important motions in the Bauchi state House of Assembly that have direct bearing on the people of Jama’are. He moved the motions for the dualisation of the three-kilometre township road in Jama’are and the rehabilitation of the Adamami/Disina/Jama’are road. Both motions have been adopted and are already in the 2024 Bauchi State budget. 


·         More so, Mairakumi moved a motion for the establishment of the House Committee on NGOs. With the increasing need to provide oversight of the numerous NGOs operating in Bauchi State in order to ensure transparency in their activities and adherence to regulations, the importance of the House Committee on NGOs cannot be overemphasised. Also, the Committee will facilitate in enhancing collaboration and coordination between the NGOs and the Bauchi State government. And on matters of public importance, Mairakumi was quick to call on the attention of the state government to intervene when there was outbreak last year, of deptheria in Jama’are and elsewhere across Bauchi State. 


·         And shifting attention on constituency activities, upon inauguration as a member of the Bauchi State House of Assembly, Hon. Mubarak Haruna immediately established Jama’are Constituency Committees on Health, Education, Higher Education, Admissions, Water and Sanitation, Empowerment, Employment, Emergency and Sports. The various committees were set up to look into the problems in their sectors and provide succour to the people of Jama’are by providing solutions. Thus far, the Health Committee has provided free eye care services to 70 people, sponsored hernia surgery for 20 others, fumigated Jama’are Constituency at the cost of N1.6 million and provided health assistance worth over N500,000. 


·         The Higher Education and Education Committees have expended N3 million on scholarships and supported Corps members with transport fare to their states of postings with over N700,000. They have also sponsored over 220 students for JSCE, expended over N600,000 in exams assistance and distributed books, biscuits and sweets to primary schools pupils in the sum of N1million. More so, the Admissions Committee has secured more 20 slots for the people of Jama’are Constituency in several schools to study health related courses, pharmacy, law and other courses. 


·         The Water Committee has thus far rehabilitated about 150 boreholes and constructed almost 10 new more. The Committee on Employment has secured more than 20 job slots in various organisations. On empowerment, the committee has distributed a car, three motorcycles and cash worth over N8 million. On women empowerment of small businesses, more N4 million has been distributed. The Emergency Committee has expended over N2 million attending to cases of urgency. The Sport Committee has expended more than N1 million on football competitions and jerseys. 


·         While Hon. Haruna’s work in Jama’are is commendable, it serves as a microcosm of the larger challenges facing Nigerian democracy. His dedication highlights the crucial role individual representatives play in shaping their communities’ well-being. However, his efforts also emphasize the need for systemic change. We must strive for a broader landscape where competent and committed representatives are the norm, not the exception.


·         Mukhtar Jarmajo, Lobito Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja

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