Why Flavour’s Performance Triggered Controversy at Pastor Siju’s 60th Bash

Ferdinand  Ekechukwu

Reactions have continued to trail Flavour Nabania’s performance at Pastor Siju Iluyomade’s 60th birthday shindig. Siju, a Pastor and wife of Idowu Iluyomade, a senior pastor at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), City of David, Lagos, turned 60 recently and celebrated in style. The popular Nigerian musician was one of the entertainers booked at the birthday party.

Videos from the glamorous celebration went viral, including the performance of Flavour. As Flavour dished his hit song “Big Baller,” clips of Pastor Siju dancing to the song on stage began to circulate on the social space, sparking a backlash that transcended the Eko Hotels venue of the party.

On the other hand, there were those who frowned upon the timing of the landmark party as the RCCG church parish had just lost one of its prominent members alongside his wife and son.

Like someone echoed, “This is Herbert Wigwe’s church, he perished with his wife and son less than a week ago and the pastor is throwing a party with Flavor as performer!!!”

A critic observed this moment became a focal point for a broader discussion about the church’s role and the integration of secular elements into its functions. Flavour has a mix of both gospel and secular songs. The neo-highlife artist and the choice of song, with its worldly themes, was perceived to be inappropriate for such occasion as some have argued it blurred the lines of Christian values.

While some have defended the Pastor’s choice, saying Christianity and secular music are not mutually exclusive, others saw it as a sign of the church straying from its core values. But then it shows how much popular culture has eroded religious/traditional beliefs. 

Note that Flavour has performed that song far and wide at several occasions since he dropped his last album African Royealty, which the song leads, late last year. Known for his vibrant beats and captivating performances, Flavour’s presence at Pastor Siju’s birthday party was unexpected by many.

But then again, he could have justified his billing with a more befitting song from his music catalogue like ‘Virtuous Woman”, “Good Woman”, or with his somewhat religious songs such as “Most High”, “Power and Glory”, “Chimamanda”. And the renowned Pastor Siju Iluyomade, would still have had a blast marking her 60th.

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