KOLA AMZAT urges the President to review some of his policies

Keen observers of happenings in the Nigerian political sphere would testify that since your inauguration into the office of president about eight months ago, there is no doubt that you’ve been very courageous, unrelenting, patriotic and uncompromising in rescuing Nigeria from the bottom pit she found herself, following years of maladministration and mismanagement of her humongous resources.

The present challenges seem daunting and very frightening. For emphasis, all facets of Nigeria nation are troubled! As I put on this Piece, one dollar is being exchanged for about 1,700. Electricity tariff has practically gone out of the reach of millions of Nigeria, so much that the citizens have pitiably deviced alternatives means of power supply.

Prices of food items and their ingredients continue to soar, taking them beyond the reach of the generality of Nigerians. Insecurity persists across the country, with the dastard activities of criminals, particularly the kidnappers, whose horrifying enterprise already is at its peak. Indeed, kidnappers are presently holding the nation by the jugular!

Sadly, top government officials, as well as top echelon of security forces including military officers, navy, air force and police force are often at the forefront of negotiation of ransom payments for these criminals in exchange for the captives. It’s most embarrassing and shocking how Nigeria has gotten to this sorry state!

Across the country, Nigerians are groaning in pains and agony, demanding turn-around in the affairs of the nation, as well as immediate reversal of all the factors that have contributed to their miserable and disappointing living standard: worsening exchange rate;  soaring prices of food items;

unnbearable increase in Petroleum products pricing, particularly PMS; unexplainable high prices of building materials; frightening transportation costs.  

It’s most instructive to note that there have been pockets of protests in strategic locations across the country like Abuja, Kano, Ibadan, Ondo, Akure, Kaduna, Calabar, Abeokuta, etc.

Your Excellency, we would do well to immediately stem the tide of this protest, by not allowing it to escalate beyond this point, as reactionary forces and agents of our nascent democracy, as well as disgruntled elements are already laying ambush.

Sir, we’re also not oblivious of the devilish motives of avowed enemies and eternal foes of this administration who continually on the red alert to wreak havoc and cause confusion in the political sphere, but, it’s incumbent on us not to play into their hands, by taking drastic steps and measures in order to sustain the trust and confidence of the citizenry in this administration.

To achieve this, I hereby suggest the followings short, medium and medium term measures to assuage the bitter feelings of Nigerians:

·      Through the combination of official fiat and financial ingenuity, the present very frightening exchange rate MUST be stabilized to at least ₦700-₦750 to 1$ and in the medium and long terms, significantly made lower than that. Sir, it’s important we completely jettison the market forces in this arrangement.  

·      Through government intervention, the PMS must be immediately restored to 500-550 in the short term, and in the medium and long terms, to much more affordable price. And, ditto for the price of DIESEL.

·      Your Excellency, it has become imperative that federal government MUST flood the markets with food items and at affordable prices for Nigerians. If possible, the government should DIRECTLY collaborate with farmers, locals, and traditional rulers in this respect. Engaging the state government could be COUNTER PRODUCTIVE as generality of Nigerians have lost trust and confidence in them. Nigerians vividly recall how the state governors diverted huge funds meant to ameliorate the conditions of victims of COVID 19 and most recently, the diversion of 5 billion each from the presidency, to all the governors meant for palliatives for Nigerians, following the biting effect of the removal of oil subsidy. Also, government NEED to consider opening of borders for food items as well as affordable building materials to flood the country.

·      Your Excellency, federal government should go out of its way to consider SUBSIDING electricity tariffs, at all costs. This is the path to tread to restore the love and affection of generality of Nigerians to the government.

·      Meanwhile, Sir, by now, Nigerians ought to have been conscious of medium and long term initiatives to revitalize the ailing and very troubled industrial sector. Strategic plans to bring back to life and restore Industrial Estate like Ikeja, Apapa, Ilupeju, Agbara, Ikorodu, Kano, Nnewi, Aba, Onitsha, etc., ought to have been in the public domain for evaluation, and perhaps at implementation stage on the part of the ministry after eight months of Minister of Trade, Industry and Investments has assumed office. This initiative would obviously reduce significantly, mounting unemployment challenge, as well as reduce undue pressure on Foreign Reserves Account. But, the Minister appears incapable of driving the ministry, as well as providing necessary leadership. Your Excellency, the time has come for an accomplished industrialist who understands the dynamics and accustomed to language of industrial sector, to take charge of the ministry in order to provide new direction.

 Amzat (FCA, FCIB, ACTIN) is

CEO, WKA Consulting, Lagos

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