Duif Media Celebrates International Women’s Day at New Era School

In the spirit of Celebrating the International Women’s Day, Duif Media marked the occasion by organizing a Corporate Social Responsibility at New Era Senior Secondary School. The gathering aimed to empower and educate female students that it is okay to be hungry for success as a woman. Also, fostering a sense of productivity and emphasizing the distinction between being a woman and a wife. Emphasis was laid on the need to understand that being a wife shouldn’t stop a woman from having a career or being business savvy.

The event highlighted the achievements of inspirational women, existing and in legacy who have shattered societal norms and are breaking boundaries against all odds.

Also, the students were enlightened on the need to acquire a vocational skill as it is important to make opportunities for oneself where there isn’t one. They were made to understand that learning extends beyond formal schooling as that is only a facet of a broader education experience. There are countless success stories of individuals who have honed various skills in the world today and anyone can make a mark on earth as long as they are skillful, strong, relentless and charismatic.

During the engaging session with the students of New Era, Duif Media underscored the importance of women’s health and hygiene. In an effort to support this cause, sanitary Towels were distributed to over three hundred (300) students, promoting a healthy and informed approach to self-care. This initiative aligns with Duif Media’s commitment to community engagement and fostering positive change.

Cassidy Nnabuife, the Director of Duif Media, went above and beyond to ensure the success of the event, showcasing his intentional efforts and unwavering commitment to inspire and empower the next generation of women leaders. His exemplary leadership played a pivotal role in shaping a memorable and impactful experience.

In addition, it is noteworthy to express gratitude towards the entire staff at New Era Secondary School. Their unwavering commitment to education, empowerment, and the overall social well-being of the students deserves commendation. The collective efforts of the school’s staff contribute significantly to creating an environment conducive to learning and personal development.

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