Organization Urges Government Support for Women Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

Folalumi Alaran in Abuja

The Managing Director XAI Media, Monsurah Alli-Oluwafuyi, has urged the government to equip women with the necessary knowledge and skills through policies, financial aid, and investments in hubs

She noted that the call is aimed at encouraging women to enter various businesses, ensuring they can contribute to their households while maintaining their caregiving roles.

Alli-Oluwafuyi made this known at the International Women’s Day event organized by XAI Media on behalf of The Alternative Bank as part of the organization’s way of celebrating the International Women’s Day In Abuja yesterday.

Alli-Oluwafuyi highlighted the event’s theme, #InspireInclusion, shedding light on the significance of leveraging data to propel women-owned businesses to new heights

During a sideline interview with news men, Alli-Oluwafuyi stressed the importance of ongoing conversations and knowledge-sharing among women entrepreneurs, while emphasizing the need for experienced professionals to guide those navigating the complexities of business, emphasizing the value of diversity across sectors and industries.

She said, “ The government should set up policies or encourage more women to join businesses. Whether it’s through finance capacity building or investing in hubs that will also create opportunities for women to run their businesses and network as well.

The Managing Director expressed the intention to make this event more than an annual occurrence. Alli-Oluwafuyi revealed plans for continuous dialogues, aiming for monthly gatherings to foster a supportive community where women can exchange ideas, address challenges, and grow together.

“ It’s important to have these conversations ongoing and continuous. So we’re hoping that this can be as frequent as monthly or as regularly as possible. Gather women who are in business, come and share their ideas and problems, and let’s solve them together. Let’s share experiences, and then that way, we can also grow together.

Also speaking, Head, MSME Product & Propositions, Maryam Mohammed Ali emphasized the importance of inclusion and equity for women in the financial sector.

Muhammad Ali highlighted the theme of inclusion, stating that true equality requires acknowledging and addressing differences rather than providing a simple level of playing ground.

Expressing her perspective on the progress made, she acknowledged the increased presence of females in banking but called for more representation at the C-suite level. She emphasized the need for an open playing field, denouncing situations where women might be overlooked based on gender or assumptions about their availability due to familial responsibilities.

Addressing concerns about equity in the banking sector, particularly regarding the treatment of female employees, Ms. Muhammad Ali firmly stated that she does not work in an organization that exploits women. She asserted that her workplace is committed to being an equal opportunity employer, condemning any form of exploitation as deplorable.

When asked about advice for banking organizations on how to treat young women, Ms. Muhammad Ali emphasized the importance of respect and equal opportunities. She advocated for considering young women for roles based on their capabilities, rather than superficial factors such as appearance or age. In her view, support should focus on enhancing their abilities to perform their jobs effectively, rather than exploiting stereotypical attributes.

This insightful interview sheds light on the ongoing efforts and challenges in achieving true inclusion and equity within the banking industry, as articulated by Maryam Muhammad Ali.

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