Villagesquare unveiled as Africa’s first social media app

In an era where digital innovation is breaking new grounds, TheVillagesquare Limited has launched a groundbreaking social media app named Villagesquare, aiming to revolutionise how Africans connect online. Founded by two Nigerian brothers, Rotimi and Otunola Akerele, the company is determined to deliver seasoned digital products that resonate with the needs and aspirations of the African populace.

Talking about the app, they listed it’s unique offerings which according to them, will change the way Africans connect. Otunola Akerele expresses that, “The app stands out amid the vast array of social media platforms available today, serving as a virtual representation of the African traditional village setting, enriched with innovative features designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of its users. The app distinguishes itself by seamlessly integrating modules such as a marketplace for buying, selling, and trading goods; a dating platform for finding love and kindling enduring connections; job listings for career opportunities or hiring talents; livestreams for sharing moments in real time; and audio hubs for voice-based interactions. Furthermore, it introduces unique forums and gossip sections, all bundled within a single, user-friendly application.”

Also speaking, Rotimi notes, “One of the app’s standout features is specifically designed for Africans in the diaspora, enabling them to discover fellow Africans nearby through location-based feeds. This innovative functionality not only fosters a sense of community but also bridges the gap between Africans across the globe. Available on both Android Play Store and iOS App Store, the app was officially launched on February 10 and has since experienced a meteoric rise in popularity, amassing over 50,000 active users in less than two weeks. The overwhelming positive reviews are a testament to the app’s impact and its ability to meet the diverse needs of its user base.”

The success of app can be attributed to its founders’ vision of creating a digital platform that embodies the communal spirit of African village squares. By offering a space where users can engage in various activities such as commerce, socializing, entertainment, and learning, Villagesquare is poised to become a central hub for African digital interaction.
Looking ahead, the company has ambitious plans for expanding the app’s features and reach. Future updates will focus on enhancing user experience, increasing the app’s functionality, and introducing new services to meet the evolving needs of Africans worldwide.

Concluding, Otunola said, “As digital technology continues to advance, the app stands out as a beacon of innovation, designed from the ground up with the African community in mind. It’s more than just a social media app; it’s a digital home away from home, where Africans can connect, share, and grow together. With its unique blend of features and a rapidly growing user base it is set to redefine the digital landscape in Africa and beyond.”

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