Inspiring Inclusion: The Vital Contribution of Families to a Diverse, Equitable World

Mobo Akpene 

As we commemorate another International Women’s Day, I find myself reflecting on the strides we’ve collectively taken as a society as it pertains to gender inclusion. Undeniably, we have a lot to cheer as a society, particularly as it relates to increased awareness surrounding this issue. It gladdens my heart to witness a growing number of people who are now well-informed about the challenges women face in various societies, as it concerns inclusion. 

Particularly encouraging is the momentum this cause is gaining, especially among the younger generations. They are not just aware of the issue but are genuinely committed to making a lasting difference in the pursuit of gender inclusivity. 

For me, ‘Inspire Inclusion’ is a call to action, urging us to go beyond awareness and delve into the heart of inequalities that persist, particularly among those facing socio-economic challenges. It compels us to ask not just what inclusion means in our individual lives but to empathetically ponder the implications for those who are marginalised in grassroots and minority settings.

Being an African woman, I have had to navigate obstacles rooted in the pervasive lack of inclusion in various aspects of my life. Fortunately for me, I was raised by parents who empowered me and instilled in me the values of resilience, education, and self-empowerment. They encouraged me to embrace my cultural heritage and to take pride in my identity as an African woman.

 This foundational support fortified my confidence, allowing me to navigate professional spaces with authenticity and pride in who I am. Their teachings became a guiding light, empowering me to challenge stereotypes and advocate for inclusivity in spaces where diversity was often lacking.

And so, as we commemorate this year’s International Women’s Day, I would like to shed light on the importance and transformative power of Family support in inspiring inclusivity.  The role of family cannot be overemphasised as we advocate for inclusiveness. The Family serves as a foundation for character building and when families actively promote inclusivity by empowering all members irrespective of their genders, it generates a positive influence that extends beyond the household. 

Children raised in such environments are more likely to carry these values into their interactions with the world, leading to a movement of confident advocates who would not only confront equality biases but inspire a diverse and inclusive world. But we need to consistently educate our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles; those whose responsibility it is to nurture families. By igniting conversations that challenge ingrained biases we open up these minds to the possibilities that exist.

Workshops, community forums, and storytelling sessions can provide a platform for sharing experiences and dispelling misconceptions, fostering a collective understanding of the importance of breaking free from restrictive cultural notions. Also, by highlighting success stories within our communities, we can bridge generational gaps and demonstrate the tangible benefits of inclusivity.

The journey to a diverse and inclusive world begins within our homes, and by empowering those who shape family dynamics, we pave the way for a brighter, and more harmonious future. 

At this juncture, allow me to briefly highlight some ways in which families can contribute to promoting equality and diversity within both their nuclear and extended structures:

Lead by Example

Parents and other family members should model behaviors that promote inclusion. By demonstrating shared responsibilities and equal participation in household chores, decision-making, caregiving, they are breaking away from stereotypical gender roles, thus setting a powerful example for the younger generation.

Access to Education

Prioritising access to education for all is a powerful example of inclusion. Parents who ensure that both boys and girls have equal opportunities to attend school are helping to break traditional gender barriers. When we choose to invest in our daughter’s education, we challenge the prevailing norms and contribute to changing societal perspectives on women’s roles. This form of commitment also helps to set the stage for younger generations to value learning as a universal right.  

Promoting Equal Opportunities

Families can actively promote equal opportunities by treating all members with fairness and ensuring that each individual has the chance to pursue their interests and goals. This can include encouraging both boys and girls to engage in a variety of activities, from sports to arts and academics. This practice instills the belief that everyone deserves a level playing field, fostering a commitment to justice and equity.

Open Dialogues

Families must aim to foster open and honest conversations about diversity, race, and cultural differences. By encouraging children to ask questions, share experiences, and celebrate differences, families become a miniature version of the real-world, where differences exist. This helps to create confident and understanding members of society appreciative of diversity.

Expose Children to Diverse Role Models and Inspiring Educational Materials

 Introduce children to diverse role models who challenge gender norms. Share stories of individuals who have succeeded in unconventional fields. Leverage educational resources such as books, documentaries, etc. to highlight and discuss the contributions of individuals who have broken barriers related to gender. This exposure broadens children’s perspectives and helps them understand that capabilities and ambitions are not confined by gender.

Celebrate Differences

Families who embrace and celebrate the unique qualities and strengths of each family member contribute significantly to promoting diversity. By fostering an environment where everyone feels accepted and valued, we are creating an inclusive and supportive setting for everyone to thrive confidently. 

When we empower the girl child and all women irrespective of their race, age, cultural background, or status, we are giving a resounding nod to equality and inclusiveness. The influence of family support in fostering inclusivity cannot be overstated, as it serves as the initial point of resemblance to the broader world, shaping individuals with the values and mindset crucial for creating an inclusive society.  

Therefore, let the International Women’s Day serve as a reminder for us to consistently devise and implement more targeted awareness campaigns that emphasise the long-term impact of fostering inclusivity within families, as this has the potential to significantly accelerate our progress towards a future characterised by diversity and inclusiveness.

The family unit stands as a source of strength, a safety net for many. We can leverage this support to inspire generations of women, allowing them the freedom to express their true selves without being compelled to conform to predefined societal or cultural roles and expectations. 

And until this is achieved, we must individually and collectively continue to champion diversity, dismantle barriers, and cultivate understanding so that one day we can all declare that we live in a world where inclusiveness pulsates at its core. 

*Akpene writes from Lagos. 


The family unit stands as a source of strength, a safety net for many. We can leverage this support to inspire generations of women, allowing them the freedom to express their true selves without being compelled to conform to predefined societal or cultural roles and expectations…. until this is achieved, we must individually and collectively continue to champion diversity, dismantle barriers, and cultivate understanding so that one day we can all declare that we live in a world where inclusiveness pulsates at its core

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