Salis Greets Tinubu Calls For Sober Reflection

As the nation’s leader, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu,marks his 72nd birthday anniversary today, eminent U.S. based lawyer, High Chief Owolabi Salis,has enjoined him to harness the crucial importance of the momentous occasion as an inspirational motivation at finding an accelerated solution to the multifarious numbers of problems facing the country.

In his Goodwill message to the President,Salis a Lagos State gubernatorial contestant in 2019,under the platform of A.D.and the Spiritual Leader, The Soul Maker Ministry World Wide, remarked:” The Almighty Creator above,has been so kind enough to you;it therefore behooves on you to harness this rare Divine favor from above and the outpour of goodwill being showered upon you today, as a motivating inspiration to brace up more than ever before, in a hurried and desperate move at finding credible and effective solutions to the mounting numbers of problems besetting the nation, particularly the poor,who are presently ravaged in poverty, squalor and misery.”

Noting that this particular edition of President Tinubu’s birthday commands special importance,coming at a critical conjuncture with the Easter Good Friday popularly celebrated across the world by the general mass of Christian brethren,and the concurrently on-going Ramadan season,the Ikorodu-born lawyer-politician stressed that” the advice was crucial and necessary because in it will you not only enshrine yourself in the Hall of Fame,but also claim a meaningful sense of fulfillment of destiny.”

The Spiritual Leader, popularly known among the less privileged as Oba Mekunu in Lagos and NewYork ( the king of the poor) also seized the opportunity to enjoin the generality of Nigerians to observe a sober moment of critical self- reflection by asking themselves cogent questions as to why their diverse religious confessions has never for once impacted positively on national growth and progress

According to him, Africans and Nigerians in particular,rank among the most religious people in the world,compared with the Europeans who are neither so religious nor ardent church or mosque goer’s,yet, things work,in their own climes,while on the contrary,virtually nothing works in Nigeria and most part of Africa.”

“Terrible malfeasance like kidnapping,rape, terrorism,ritual killings,high wire fraud and corruption had perennialy become the order of the day”

“Imagine for instance,a system in which we find it so difficult to conduct a free and fair violence-free election,and where our leaders and holders of top public offices are suffused with the pathological propensity to amass the commonwealth of the citizens into their private vaults,yet almost all our ruling elites and top public office holders are either christians or Muslims unlike the European and American scenario of largely non religious people,where sanity prevails”

“This means that something is either wrong with us or the religion we profess,but I wish to contend that something is more wrong with us than our religion, because no religion preaches wicked selfishness,Savage cruelty corruption,bloodshed and violence”

“The fundamental problem with us therefore,is that we are sheer bunch of ungodly lots.It is one thing to be religious,yet it is another thing to be godly”

“You are godly if you do things the way it is supposed to be done,and ungodly if you do things the ways they are not supposed to be done,whether or not you are religious.

“Things work in the developed polities of Europe and America because their leaders do the right things most of the times and the prevailing systems in their climes expresses a credible measure of sanity despite the fact that they are not fanatically religious, unlike in Africa and Nigeria in particular where the reverse is the case despite their phenomenal wavelength of religiosity”,Salis contended.

“It is against this background therefore,that I beseech our ruling elites,religious leaders,top public office holders and indeed people at various dimension of leadership to utilize the opportunity offered in this crucial festive season,for sober self-reflection aimed at a re-discovery of where we got it wrong,and therefore seek necessary corrective recipe in our variegated area of lapses as a nation and individually and harness them in alignment with national growth and progress”said the erudite lawyer, politician and spiritual leader of The Soul Maker Ministry.

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