Moses: Hosting Bolton Leadership Conference Marks A Turning Point in UK Higher Education

In this interview, Uchenna Victor Moses, the President of Students’ Union, 2023/2024, University of Bolton, shares how the Bolton Leadership Conference ignited change, inspiring many future leaders and marks a turning point in UK higher education. Oluchi Chibuzor present excerpt.

As you stood at the forefront of the Bolton Leadership Conference, can you describe the profound sense of purpose and achievement you felt?

This event was not just another gathering; it was a seminal moment in UK higher education, a turning point that I had envisioned and brought to life. My journey to this point was marked by resilience and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The missed opportunity in Spain was not a setback; it was the catalyst that inspired me to create this platform of empowerment for the youth.

The Bolton Leadership Conference was my message to the world – that challenges are opportunities in disguise, that every hurdle is a chance to leap higher. I wanted to show that leadership is not just about guiding others, but also about igniting a spark within them. The conference was meticulously planned to resonate with the aspirations of today’s youth, embodying my belief that adversity is not a dead-end but a detour to success.

This event was more than a milestone in my journey; it was a testament to my commitment to nurturing future leaders. Through the conference, I aimed to create a realm of possibilities, showing that with courage and determination, every challenge can be transformed into a stepping stone towards greatness. The Bolton Leadership Conference was not just an event; it was the dawn of a new era in inspirational leadership, and I am proud to have been the catalyst for this transformative experience.

For you what is the genesis of Inspiration and how do you overcome adversity?

The story of the Bolton Leadership Conference began not in a moment of triumph, but from the ashes of a missed opportunity. It was a time when I, Uchenna Victor Moses, faced a significant setback, a moment that could have marked the end of a dream. I had been eagerly anticipating an event in Spain, one that promised to be a significant step in my journey. However, fate had other plans, and due to unforeseen circumstances, this much-awaited opportunity slipped through my fingers.

In the wake of this disappointment, I was confronted with a choice: to succumb to despair or to transform this setback into a stepping stone. I chose resilience. I realized that true leadership is not just about seizing opportunities but creating them. This realization was the genesis of the Bolton Leadership Conference, born out of the need to transform a personal setback into a communal triumph.

I envisioned the conference as a platform for empowerment, a gathering where ideas could flourish, and young minds could find inspiration. It was about turning a personal loss into a collective gain. This proactive mindset was at the heart of the conference’s creation. I wanted to demonstrate that every challenge, every disappointment, harbors the potential for greatness.

The journey to the conference’s inception was filled with challenges, but each hurdle reinforced my commitment to this cause. It was a testament to the belief that adversity is not just something to be endured but an opportunity to be embraced. The resilience I showed in the face of this initial disappointment was a message I wanted to impart to every attendee of the conference – that setbacks are not the end of the road, but a chance to pave a new path.

The Bolton Leadership Conference was thus more than an event; it was a symbol of turning adversity into opportunity. It stood as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of a proactive and resilient mindset. In narrating this journey, I hope to inspire others to see that within every missed opportunity lies the seed of future success, waiting to be nurtured by determination and vision.

What is the role of your amazing project team leads and student volunteers?

The place of Ngozi Obiageri and Yakubu Juwon, who were the co-project team leads, and the list of student volunteers, which now extended to having Asmaa Bouraya, Jemigah Ugochukwu Ignatius, and Olawale. Emmanuel Ola-Ayeni, Abraham Airiohuodion, Jeremiah Oluseun Ajibade, and Itoro Oloyede. Charlotte Sears and Prince Obeng Ofosu played important roles in the success of the conference. Showing the importance of team spirit, innovation, and a strong student/youth support system in the university and Bolton community.

Can you tell us why you view this conference as a historic event?

The unfolding of the Bolton Leadership Conference was a historic event, marking a significant milestone in UK higher education. This conference, under my initiative, stood out for its unique blend of youthful vibrancy and seasoned wisdom, drawing together students, academicians, and leaders from diverse fields. Its significance was amplified by the active involvement and support of key figures such as the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George E. Holmes, and the Mayor, whose presence underscored the event’s importance. We also had in attendance our amazing provost, Prof. Zubai Hanslot, who is known for his great works in the university and the entire community. Dr. Celestine Iwendi and Sam Johnson, the Co-Moderators; the amazing academic panellists, Dr. Anchal Garg, Dr. Chathurika Sewwandi, and Irfan Chhadat; and industry leads, Dr. Rehan Hassan and Andy Roberts, whose wealth of experience was a great contribution to the event; and my predecessors, who served as moderators as well, Boluwatife Oyesola, Ansh Sachdeva, and Nihit Tiwari.

The conference’s agenda was meticulously crafted to offer a holistic experience. It featured a series of inspirational talks, interactive workshops, and panel discussions, each designed to foster leadership skills, critical thinking, and community engagement among the youth. The presence of these esteemed figures not only added gravitas to the event but also provided invaluable insights and networking opportunities for the attendees.

Moreover, the conference served as a platform for bridging the gap between academia and real-world challenges. It encouraged students to apply their knowledge creatively to solve societal issues, thus aligning with the educational ethos of the University of Bolton. The event’s success lay not just in its execution but in its ability to inspire a new generation of leaders, equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and competence.

This conference, therefore, was more than just a gathering. It was a celebration of the potential within each participant, a manifestation of the belief that young minds, when guided and inspired, can become powerful agents of change. The Bolton Leadership Conference, through its innovative approach and impactful sessions, has set a new standard in higher education events, making it a landmark event in the annals of the University of Bolton.

One of the highlights of any conference is the quality of keynote speakers and panelists. Why are you so strategic with this conference?

The keynote speakers and panelists at the Bolton Leadership Conference were the pillars of the event, each bringing unique insights and perspectives that enriched the experience for all attendees. Their roles and contributions were pivotal in shaping the conference’s success and leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

The keynote speakers, experts in their respective fields, delivered talks that were not only informative but deeply inspiring. They shared personal stories of resilience, innovation, and leadership, providing practical advice and wisdom to the young audience. Their speeches were interspersed with notable quotes that resonated with the attendees, such as “Leadership is not just about leading others, but about igniting a spark within them.”

The panelists, comprising a diverse mix of industry leaders, academicians, and community champions, engaged in thought-provoking discussions on various topics. They explored the complexities of modern leadership, the importance of community engagement, and the role of education in shaping future leaders. The panel discussions were dynamic and interactive, encouraging active participation from the audience.

This rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives provided by the speakers and panelists was instrumental in achieving the conference’s objectives. Their contributions went beyond mere speeches; they sparked conversations, challenged perceptions, and motivated the audience to aspire for greater heights in their personal and professional lives. The impact of their words and insights was a testament to the power of shared knowledge and collective wisdom in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Still talking about being strategic, what informed the role of Prof. George E. Holmes?

The partnership between myself and Prof. George E. Holmes, President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Bolton was a cornerstone of the Bolton Leadership Conference’s success. As the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Holmes brought a wealth of experience and strategic insight to the planning and execution of the event. Our collaboration was symbiotic, combining my vision and drive with his expertise and institutional knowledge.

This partnership was instrumental in shaping the conference’s direction and content. Prof. Holmes’s support was not just in an advisory capacity; he was actively involved in bringing together a diverse group of speakers and panelists, ensuring the event was relevant and impactful. His belief in the power of education to foster leadership and his commitment to student experience was evident throughout the conference.

Our collaboration extended beyond the conference, laying the groundwork for future initiatives and projects. The success of this event, greatly influenced by our partnership, highlighted the potential of collaborative efforts between students and university leadership in creating meaningful and transformative educational experiences.

The Bolton Leadership Conference must have left impact and testimonials. Can you share voices from the attendees?

The Bolton Leadership Conference left a profound impact on its attendees, as evidenced by their testimonials and shared experiences. Participants spoke of the event as a transformational experience, citing the inspirational talks and the interactive sessions as particularly impactful. Many expressed a newfound sense of purpose and direction, attributing it to the insights and advice received from the keynote speakers and panelists.

Several attendees highlighted specific moments or speeches that resonated with them, leading to moments of personal revelation or professional clarity. The presence of prominent figures like Prof. George E. Holmes and the Mayor, Councilor Mohammed Ayub not only added prestige to the conference but also provided attendees with a unique perspective on leadership and community involvement.

The impact extended beyond individual growth, with many attendees expressing a desire to apply the lessons learned in their communities and professional fields. The conference, thus, not only inspired individual attendees but also sowed seeds of change and innovation in the wider community. This ripple effect underscores the conference’s success in not just being an event, but a catalyst for ongoing inspiration and development.

Are there any reflections and future visions?

Reflecting on the Bolton Leadership Conference, it’s clear that the event was more than just a gathering; it was a transformative experience that left a lasting impact on all who attended. The lessons learned and the inspiration drawn were profound and far-reaching. Attendees were not only motivated by the insights and advice from leaders and experts but were also empowered to envision and enact change in their own communities.

The conference underscored the importance of resilience, innovative thinking, and the power of a shared vision in leadership. It also highlighted the vital role of collaboration and partnership in achieving significant outcomes. These lessons are invaluable for anyone aspiring to make a positive impact in their field or community.

Looking ahead, my vision for leadership and community impact involves nurturing these principles. I aim to continue fostering environments where young leaders can develop and thrive, and where the exchange of ideas leads to real-world solutions. The success of the Bolton Leadership Conference has reinforced my belief in the potential of collaborative efforts to create meaningful change. I envision a future where leadership is not just about individual achievement but about collective growth and empowerment. This conference has set the stage for future initiatives that will continue to inspire, challenge, and equip the next generation of leaders.

How does this resonate among the students from the feedback you are getting?

How I feel is expressed in the Student feedback below. The most fulfilling part for me is the feedback from students, which I would like to share.

My takeaway from the conference was showing up when it matters, taking responsibility, and putting yourself out there. You never know when opportunities will show up. Olajuwon Yakub, MSc Data Analytics
The Bolton Leadership Conference helped me realise that in a programme like this or a seminar,you do not have to give any excuses not to be there. ‘JUST BE THERE’ knowledge and learning are paramount for self-development… after listening to The VC, University of Bolton. Roland Omoregie, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

The Bolton Leadership made me realise that your dream is achievable as long as you don’t give up during encounters with the hurdles that may constitute obstructions in the way. The power of persistence overcomes all challenges. “If you can dream it, you can achieve it (Baby Gal, 2023).Ngozi Ogbonna (Bolton Leadership Project Coordinator). M.Sc. International Management.

“Be there! If you can’t, know somebody there.” A statement made by the Vice Chancellor in his closing remark. He made this statement to mean leadership opportunities are only available to people who are “there” (in the room of leadership). This word stuck with me. Abraham Osezua Airiohuodion, M.Sc. Civil Engineering.

I learned that successfully navigating a leadership journey requires facing diverse challenges and obstacles. However, overcoming these hurdles can be achieved through resilience, cultivating a positive mindset, forming meaningful associations, adapting readily to changes, practicing effective communication, and committing to continuous learning. Itoro Oloyede, MSc, Cloud and Network Security.

Attending the leadership conference provided an invaluable insight for me into leading teams effectively, and the speech from the guest speaker served as a catalyst for a transformative change in my field of study. Most importantly, I was able to network with other international students. Titilope Ajayi, Msc, social care, health, and wellbeing.
My takeaway from the conference is to present in any meeting that I feel could cause a change or set a new trajectory for the right course.

Because if you are in the room or know someone present in the decision room, that change can be effected. Oparanozie Ngozi, MSc Data Analytics and Technologies
Attending the conference helped challenge me to think in new and innovative ways about leadership. I also learned how to develop my personality and leadership style and how to use them to positively influence others. Engr. Ola-Ayeni Emmanuel (Jesubueze), Msc Civil Engineering.

Attending the Bolton leadership conference had a profound impact on me. The insights gained from the diverse speakers provided a mosaic of experiences. Hearing from thought leaders with varied backgrounds enriched my understanding of leadership challenges and solutions. Anita Anulika Dan (a Bolton leadership coordination team member). Msc. International Management.

The Bolton leadership conference helped me understand how AI is coming massively. After listening to the provost, Professor Zubair, I am more convinced of the urgency of global consensus for regulating AI tools. Anil Paudel, MA, Visual Journalism and Storytelling.
Listening to the speakers at the Bolton leadership conference resonated with me about resilience. Being in the present and being guided by current trends can help shape what I achieve. “Be there” by the VC is the climax for me to be a leader. As a Ghanaian adage says, “If you are in the room, they don’t leave you out when sharing.” Prince Obeng Ofosu.

The Bolton Leadership Conference left a lasting impression, particularly the Vice Chancellor’s closing speech emphasising the importance of being present in rooms where decisions are made. ‘Be there’ resonated with me, highlighting the significance of active participation. Abiose Bankole, MSc Construction Project Management.

The Bolton Leadership Conference showed me how resilience and sticking with it, even in tough situations, can help you adapt to change and overcome challenges. Tolulope Abe, MSc. Data Analytics and Technologies
The Bolton Leadership Conference inspired me to embrace challenges, knowing they lead to growth, emphasising resilience, networking, and shaping my professional journey. Oluwafunmilola Ige, Master of Business Administration (MBA).

“Leadership starts when you lead yourself” is the resonating quote I adapted to my life from the Bolton Leadership Conference. It was a great opportunity to meet like-minded people from various backgrounds. It’s inspiring and makes me feel strengthened to listen to their successful leadership stories. Hesara Jayasekera, BSc (Hons) Computing (Cyber Security).

The leadership conference was a great chance to inspire us all to be great leaders in different fields. I loved the concept of the 3 Cs: communication, compassion, and commitment. Asmaa Bouraya, MA, community development and youth studies.

‘BE THERE!’ Professor George E. Holmes. A phrase that will always remain with me. I can say one of the best decisions I believe I have made this year was being in attendance at the Bolton Leadership Conference, and I must say a big thank you to everyone who was involved in putting the conference together because it certainly was a wonderful experience. To everyone reading, please remember that self-development is extremely important for anything you are involved in. Austin ‘BVK’ Tase, MSc. Data Analytics and Technologies.

It was quite an engaging conference, which taught me that all big businessmen start from scratch; they were all students, so they dream big. Eventually, eventually good things happen if you aim high. Jasneet Kaur, BSc Biomedical Engineering.

It was a wonderful event where experts shared their points of view about leadership. I really loved it because gaining knowledge from other people’s experiences is a wonderful way to become the best, and this event gave me a lot of information about leadership, time management, and many more things that will help me in various stages of my life. Yash Kaushik || MSc Data Analytics and Technologies.

The Bolton leadership conference was not just a conference but a nudge in the right direction for me. It reiterated the fact that leaders are not just born but can be made, stressing the importance of building capacity and personal development. All in all, my confidence in the possibility of being more than just an international student was strengthened. Praise Young, ACS Vice-Chairman and M.Sc. Data Analytics and Technology.

The leadership conference featured insightful speakers who effectively conveyed valuable perspectives on leadership. The diverse range of topics addressed catered to various interests, providing a well-rounded experience. Overall, a commendable effort in delivering informative content Yusuf Omotosho, B.Sc. Accountancy.
BE THERE: A statement by Prof. Holmes makes me have a rethink about the future and what it holds. Thanks to the organisers of the Bolton Leadership Conference,I learned a lot. Afolabi Jebutu,MSc Engineering, Mgt.

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