Group Condemns Stereotype, Prejudice against Social Workers

Ayodeji Ake

The Nigeria Association of Social workers (NASoW), an umbrella professional body of all Social Workers in Nigeria, and an affiliate member of International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), as pledged to break down stereotypes, prejudices, to celebrate the beauty of diversity by embracing differences.

The assertion was made while Joining other Social Workers in the world to observe and celebrate the 2024 International Social Work Day with the theme: ‘Shared for transformative change.’

The month of March is set aside by the United Nations to celebrate International Social Work Day; to draw public attention to Social Work profession and the practitioners, as well as social problems that require urgent attention, ultimately taking concrete steps to resolve identified problems across sectors.

The association in a statement said: “With the Nigeria Council for Social Work Act of 2022 backing the practice of Social Work in Nigeria, this day is set aside to create more awareness about the presence of Social Workers in Nigeria, our service to humanity and our importance to the country.

“Social workers are human managers and are equipped to tackle all forms of social menace in the society. Social work as a discipline and profession seeks to achieve social stability and equality in every human society by advocating social justice aimed at bringing succor to the vulnerable members in our society.

“The adoption of this year’s theme is apt. In a world where diversity is celebrated, fostering intercultural understanding is paramount to achieving harmonious coexistence.

“We proudly announce our commitment to promoting intercultural understanding for harmonious living; as diversity enriches our communities, workplaces, and societies.

“Our initiative aims to create platforms for meaningful dialogue, cultural exchange, and education. Through workshops, seminars, and community events, we seek to break down stereotypes, challenge prejudices, and celebrate the beauty of diversity by embracing our differences, we can create a more inclusive and equitable world for all.”

While commenting on the International Women’s Day, the association expressed deep commitment to development and promoting of intercultural values.

“We, therefore, state our willingness to work with key agencies tasked with the responsibility of protecting women and girls like NAPTIP, NEMA, IOM and the Lagos State Government.

“We also call on all organisations and agencies in the human service profession to engage professionally trained Social Workers as service providers to ensure quality service delivery to humanity,” the association said.

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