Sonny Iroche argues the need for collaboration among critical stakeholders for effective implementation of a national AI strategy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to revolutionize industries and drive economic growth. In Nigeria, the successful adoption of AI hinges on a collaborative effort involving the government, businesses, researchers, and international partners. By working together towards common goals, Nigeria can harness the power of AI to enhance productivity, spur innovation, fight corruption and militant insurgents, and address the many societal challenges that have plagued the country for several years. 

It is important to prescribe and emphasize to both the public and private sectors, the importance of collaboration in implementing a national AI strategy in Nigeria and to suggest ways in which major stakeholders can contribute to the country’s future success in this world-wide evolving technology that’s about to disrupt the global ways of doing nearly everything including healthcare,  education, energy, warfare, manufacturing, agriculture, banking, transportation, and many others. 

In pioneering the call for Nigeria to pay serious attention to the technological disruptive emergence of AI in our development as a leading economy in Africa, it is equally essential to delve into the critical role of collaboration in advancing the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Nigeria. It underscores the need for synergy among stakeholders, including the government, businesses, researchers, and international partners, to effectively implement a national AI strategy. I will also like to highlight the benefits of collaboration, and identify key areas where contributions are essential, and offer actionable recommendations for driving collaborative innovation in the realm of AI in Nigeria.

In an article of mine on, “Need For A Regulatory Framework For Artificial Intelligence In Nigeria”, published in The New Diplomat newspaper, September 23, 2023, I posited the need for the federal government of Nigeria to come up with a National Policy Framework, for the regulation of the use of AI in Nigeria. 

Since the government is expected to play a key role in setting up the strategic direction and creating a conducive policy environment for AI adoption, collaborating with policymakers, regulatory bodies, and industry stakeholders can help establish ethical guidelines, data protection laws, and funding mechanisms to support AI initiatives in Nigeria.

Next, is to engage Industry and business leaders to buy into the AI digital transformation of Nigeria’s business ecosystem by technology adoption.  Businesses are key drivers of AI innovation and adoption, leveraging AI technologies to enhance operations, drive growth, and deliver value to customers.

    Collaborating with industry leaders, startups, and SMEs can facilitate the deployment of AI solutions across sectors such as finance, healthcare, and agriculture, stimulating economic development and job creation.

Another crucial aspect of the AI implementation matrix in Nigeria, is Research and Development Collaboration and the need to bring together researchers and academia to play a vital role in advancing AI capabilities through cutting-edge research, talent development, and knowledge sharing.

   Collaborating with universities, research institutions, and tech hubs can foster a culture of innovation, support AI education programs, and facilitate technology transfer to accelerate AI adoption in Nigeria. A few of us Nigerians are trailblazers in research and studies of AI in reputable universities, such as Oxford, Imperial College and MIT, just to name a few. The new knowledge acquired by these Nigerians abroad should be encouraged to return and impart their knowledge locally. 

In order to leverage on the knowledge and progress recorded so far by companies like Nvidia, Dell, Microsoft, Google and others, it is essential that there is a simultaneous International partnership, collaboration and knowledge exchange, between businesses. 

 Collaboration with international partners, tech companies, and AI experts can provide valuable insights, best practices, and access to global AI networks.

 Engaging in knowledge exchange, joint research projects, and capacity-building initiatives with international stakeholders can enhance Nigeria’s AI capabilities, foster innovation, and position the country as a competitive player in the global AI landscape.

The race for AI superpowers had long began, particularly after the launching of ChatGPT. The USA, China, India and the UK, have emerged as clear leading countries in the AI race. Unfortunately, Africa is still grappling with other developmental issues and not paying enough attention to the realities of the game-changing and disruptive consequences of AI technology.  

In order to mitigate against being left out of the AI adoption and advancement, Nigeria must exert its influence and show leadership on the continent, in the implementation of Africa’s AI Readiness Assessment, by proceeding as follows:

Government-Industry Collaboration:

   – The Nigerian government should partner with leading tech companies to launch AI innovation hubs, incubators, and funding programs to support AI startups and scale-ups.

   – Collaborative initiatives such as the establishment of AI research centers, public-private partnerships, and regulatory sandboxes enable businesses to test and deploy AI solutions while ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.

Research Collaboration and Talent Development:

   – Nigerian universities collaborate with AI research institutions to develop AI curriculum, training programs, and knowledge sharing platforms for students, researchers, and industry professionals.

   – Joint research projects, hackathons, and AI workshops create opportunities for collaboration, skill development, and cross-disciplinary exchange, fueling innovation and building a robust AI ecosystem in Nigeria.

In a nutshell, for Nigeria to leap-frog into the next AI revolution that is changing nearly all aspects of human life, there is an urgent need for the launch of a successful implementation of a national AI strategy in the country that hinges on collaborative efforts among stakeholders from various sectors- government and the private sector. By fostering partnerships between the government, businesses, researchers, and international allies, Nigeria can leverage the transformative potential of AI to drive economic growth, foster innovation, and address societal challenges. Each stakeholder has a vital role to play in contributing to Nigeria’s AI journey, whether through policy advocacy, technology adoption, research collaboration, or global partnerships. By working together towards a common vision, Nigeria can position itself as a frontrunner in AI innovation, unlocking new opportunities and shaping a prosperous future for its citizens in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

 Iroche is a Post Graduate Student in AI for Business at the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford, UK

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