Driving and Drugs


I remember my university days at the greatest University at Akoka. As a post graduate student, I had two crazy friends: Toye and Folly. Both were smokers. I never was a smoker but a   distant admirer. My admiration for smokers dates back to my foray into acting. During my acting days, I allowed my passion for acting to get the better side of me. As an actor, I copied some of the screen mannerisms of actors which included smoking. Although I never really smoked, I, however, became a fan of St Moritz which was my anger management pastime.

 The story was different for Toye and Folly. Like I said, both were chain smokers and sometimes I marvel at how God preserved me from joining their smoking club. I remember a story I once shared on this same page on how Folly and I almost took to the boxing ring to size each other. This happened during our post graduate days at the University of Lagos.

While preparing for our final exams, we took time out to eat at one of the eateries. After eating, Folly got himself a pack of St Moritz as well as some kolanuts (gworo). After smoking multiple sticks to tame sleep, I noticed Folly devouring kola nuts to frustrate sleep itself. Shortly after deploying the combined cigarette and kola nuts arsenal, I noticed him dusting and preparing a table for a quick nap.

It was at this point that I grabbed his hands and told him that I would not allow him doze after the quantum of caffeine in his system. A flurried Folly, just couldn’t take the joke and was ready to pounce on me and do me a Mike Tyson right before our classmates who quickly stepped in to make peace. A relieved Folly got the message that nature cannot be cheated.

I am relieving this experience because of a write-up on cannabis and driving, I stumbled.  I hope to share this with those who indulge in cannabis, or other sorts of alcoholic and drug lifestyle as inducements to stay alert while on the wheels as we countdown to another celebration. Most festivities are noted for frenzied cannabis and alcohol usage especially for long distance drivers instead of observing adequate rest.

 The piece I am sharing was authored by Adams Hill. According to him, increased   legal cannabis use has created increased illegal use by drivers. Please enjoy Adams position and counsel to authorities such as the Federal Road Safety Corps operatives whose duty is to checkmate these vices during this festive season. Adams title is Cannabis and Cars don’t mix although I chose Cannabis and driving don’t mix.

Adams notes that ‘’there have been long medical and social arguments for the legalisation of cannabis. Now that it is permitted for personal  use in about 18 US states with more expected elsewhere, the use of pot or weed has moved firmly into the mainstream.

However, with increased usage has come a road safety problem. Information reveals that more drivers involved in fatal crashes in the US tested positive for the drug during the Covid pandemic. This has prompted authorities to issue guidance about safety messaging to drivers who are cannabis users. For one thing, Cannabis Consumers and Safe Driving: Responsible Use Messaging recommends that you don’t use outdated terms like ‘pot’ or ‘weed’ (note to self).

 Also, it’s probably best to use the term ‘consumers’ rather than ‘users’. The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), Responsibility.org and the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving (Nasid) are behind the report, which is aimed at State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs). Recreational cannabis we must note was legal precisely nowhere in the US before 2011. But with acceptance, comes ubiquity and the report emphasises the need for effective public outreach and education.

 For instance, an AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety survey found that 95percent of people say driving while over the legal blood alcohol concentration limit is very or extremely dangerous, but only 69percent believe it is dangerous to drive within an hour of consuming cannabis.

“Motorists need to know the dangers of driving under the influence,” said GHSA executive director Jonathan Adkins. “But that message won’t be heard if it’s outdated, irrelevant or insulting to cannabis consumers.”

The report is a ‘playbook’ for states, Adkins says, which allows them to develop messaging that resonates rather than alienates. The central point is that, regardless of the legal status for cannabis use, “cannabis-impaired driving is illegal in every state and should be the primary campaign focus”, the report says. And even if it’s legal in a state, it is always illegal for anyone under 21.

 To get the safety message across successfully, SHSOs should use focus groups and surveys to find out what language cannabis consumers use to describe the product and its effects.

“Outdated vernacular” is a complete no-no; while “current terminology” is crucial, keeping in mind regional variations; noting that social media is likely to be the main communications platform to reach audiences, who tend to be young and male.

“Some of the earliest errors in communicating the dangers of cannabis-impaired driving occurred when campaigns used unflattering stereotypes of cannabis users,” the report says. “Insulting or judging the target audience rarely improves message reception and turns people off, resulting in the message getting lost.”

The primary focus of information campaigns should be as simple as, ‘’don’t drive after consuming cannabis’’. There is subtlety here too, though, the report suggests: “This is because it is not clear what responsible use of cannabis really is or looks like.The report notes that appeals to moral sensitivity; normative choices that are considered ‘good’ or ‘right’  may have a greater effect on changing behaviour than the usual ‘just don’t do it’ messaging.”

“Impaired driving, whether it involves alcohol, cannabis, other drugs or a combination of substances, is wreaking havoc on our nation’s roads, and we all must respond quickly and effectively,” said Darrin Grondel, director of Nasid. The bottom line is that legalising cannabis does not make it safe to consume and drive which is a message all authorities can get behind. This is so long as it is presented in the right way.

So what should the authorities say? Campaigns should be factual and tested with focus groups. Fear, shame and humour doesn’t work. Rather it is appropriate to messages that are straightforward and truthful about the consequences of cannabis use and driving. We must note that community-based messengers tend to be more trusted than government representatives which underscores our use of celebrities in Nigeria.

The report counsels never to stereotype or ridicule cannabis consumers. Primary campaign focus should be that cannabis-impaired driving is illegal in every state. Although people may believe that cannabis has no effect on driving or even that it improves driving skills, nevertheless, this myth must be dispelled.

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