Billionaire Businesswoman,Bola Shagaya’s Staying Power

Wealthy, powerful and influential with high-wired connections around the globe, billionaire businesswoman, Bola Shagaya, is one of the top players in the oil and gas sector and her exciting journey would certainly inspire anyone who wants to succeed in the industry.

Constantly driven by an ambition to rule her world, she believes opportunities abide everywhere, except for those who have set some limitations for themselves.

Apart from oil and gas, she is also making waves in other industries, such as banking, real estate and photography, among others.

Despite gaining little support, the courageous founder and CEO of Bolmus Group International confronted the challenge of running one of the most strategic businesses in Nigeria, especially in a male-dominated milieu.

Today, she has stamped her authority in the nation’s economy, while her name is boldly written among the top business magnates in the continent.

Interestingly, in a society where many successful women have reportedly allowed fame, success and sometimes stardom to turn their heads, Shagaya recognises that only Allah is the unseen hand behind her success story; and she submits absolutely to His will. She also recognises that hard work pays, so she loathes laziness.

According to sources, the woman who is said to live a disciplined lifestyle doesn’t make any move or take any step without seeking divine guidance.

Indeed, her armour against failure is ceaseless prayers. Many of her friends are always amazed at her humility and her total dependence on Allah while making the most critical decisions of her life.

In fact, she is fond of saying that Allah and prayer are actually the secrets behind his success and upholds the five pillars of Islam, which includes the belief that “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” prayer (salat), alms (zakat), fasting, and pilgrimage (hajj).

In her usual style, the stylish woman, last week, travelled to Mecca for Umrah, also known as lesser Hajj, to offer prayers for her state, her family and the entire nation.

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