Foundation Wants Minister to Intervene in Erisco/Chioma Okoli Crisis

Raheem Akingbolu

A nonprofit civil society organization dedicated to addressing issues of social injustice and corruption in Nigeria, Akin Fadeyi Foundation (AFF), has made a subtle appeal to the Honourable Minister of Women Affairs, Barrister Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye, to intervene in the ongoing brouhaha, involving the Chief Executive Officer of Erisco Foods, Mr. Eric Umeofia and a consumer, Chioma Okoli by calling the two parties to a dialogue with the aim of settling the matter out of court and bring it to a conclusion. 

In a letter titled; “A Call to Action: Urgent Intervention Regarding the Bullying of Chioma Okoli by Eric Umeofia, CEO, Erisco Foods,” copy of which was sighted by THISDAY, the foundation expressed its displeasure over the way and manner Mr. Umeofia and the Nigerian Police, have consistently profiled Chioma’s actions as cybercrime, describing the action as nothing but unequivocal violation of the consumer’s right.

 According to the letter, “It is evident that labeling Chioma’s actions as cybercrime is unjustifiable, as she was merely a contractual customer of Erisco Foods through a sales purchase transaction. Therefore, her product review, whether positive or negative, cannot be misconstrued as cybercrime. Furthermore, Chioma has not contravened the Cybercrime (Prohibition and Prevention) Act 2015, particularly Section 24, in the context of her product review of Erisco Foods.

“It is deeply troubling that Mr Eric Umeofia is being allowed to use the instrumentality of the state (the Nigerian Police) as a tool to oppress a helpless pregnant woman. Unfortunately, in defiance of public outrage against his stoked-up crisis with Chioma Okolie, Eric Umefia went on national television and stated that, “there are spaces in prison for pregnant women.”

 While pointing out to the Minister why an issue related to product review should not be the reason a pregnant woman and her unborn child would “have a place in prison” the foundation reminded the minister that the fact that these developments have drawn the attention of regional and international media, is not good for the image of the country.

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