A’Ibom Gov Restates Commitment Towards  People Centric Governance

Okon Bassey in Uyo

The Akwa Ibom State Governor, Umo Eno, has reassured the people of the state that he will continue to serve the interest of the people, especially the downtrodden, through various empowerment activities aimed at ameliorating their sufferings.

He stated this during the disbursement of funds to 1055 beneficiaries under livelihood support through cash transfer and two micro projects for 12 communities  as well as grants to nano, micro and small scale businesses in the Phase II of the Akwa Ibom COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (AK-CARES) Programme held yesterday at the Ibom Hall.

The governor, who was represented by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Prince Enobong Uwah, reiterated his commitment towards the well-being of citizens of the state.

He said: “I’m elected to serve the interest of the people, especially those at the down end of the ladder, I’m their advocate while also serving the other side of the society. This is because I was once like them.

“We reassure them that the government is for them to make them feel better and comfortable through its policies and programmes.”

He commended the state Commissioner for Economic Development and Chairman of AK-CARES Steering Committee, Mr. Emem Bob, for painstakingly ensuring that the programme is a reality as well as interpreting the ideas and visions of the administration and actualising it.

The governor noted that so far, his government has made regular payment of gratuity, given out free food vouchers to the vulnerable, constructed Arise homes for the downtrodden, fifty thousand naira monthly to elderly through the Arise Initiative for the elderly, and medical outreach programme where 7000 people were treated, among others.

Earlier in his address, the Commissioner, Bob, thanked Governor Eno for the remarkable milestone he has achieved so far within his one year in office, especially for approving funds for disbursement and implementing the Arise agenda aimed at improving the lives of the vulnerable in the state.

“His Excellency will be one year in office; and we are celebrating him in a big way for touching lives. He has touched lives, built drainages, constructed many roads, touched lives of market women, improved the health sector, and empowered the poor masses,” he said.

The chairman AKCARES Steering Committee further urged beneficiaries to make proper use of the funds to boast their businesses for the greater good of the state and objectives of the programme.

In her goodwill message, the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Welfare, Dr. Ini Adiakpan, described the governor as a compassionate man who has come to sort out the vulnerable in the state.

She noted that under her ministry, through the cash transfer, over 1,950 persons have been beneficiaries of ‘Better Don Come’, the slogan used under DLI 1.3 (Livelihood grant), this has helped them to recapitalise their businesses.

Also in his goodwill message, the Permanent Secretary, Trade and Investment, Mr. Oliver Udoukpo, eulogised the governor for everything he has done not just for the youths but also for the vulnerable.

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