Aisha Babangida: Citizen of Humanity at 54  

Good hearts are rare. This is why a heart as kind as Erelu Aisha Babangida is a precious thing indeed. Therefore, as she turns 54 on Saturday, May 25, her remarkable journey as a visionary humanitarian leader continues to inspire and uplift countless lives across Nigeria and beyond. Renowned as the Chairperson of the Better Life Programme for the African Rural Woman (BLPARW), Erelu Aisha embodies compassion, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to serving humanity.

Born into a legacy of service and compassion, Erelu Aisha’s lineage traces back to her mother, the late Maryam Babangida, whose enduring legacy of philanthropy and empowerment laid the foundation for Erelu Aisha’s own transformative work. Through the Better Life Program, Erelu Aisha carries forward her mother’s legacy, providing hope and support to underserved communities across Nigeria.

Erelu Aisha’s humanitarian endeavours extend far beyond the realms of charity. With the founding of the Tasnim Foundation, she champions the cause of girl child education, offering scholarships to young girls in rural areas and equipping them with the tools they need to build a brighter future. Through her tireless efforts, Erelu Aisha not only provides educational opportunities but also fosters a culture of empowerment and self-reliance among marginalised communities.

Furthermore, Erelu Aisha’s advocacy for financial inclusion and entrepreneurship has revolutionised the landscape of economic empowerment in Nigeria. Recognizing the transformative power of microfinance, she founded the Egwafin Microfinance Bank, providing vital access to funding and financing for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. And what cannot be said about her establishment of the Women Enterprise Alliance, which shows her unwavering commitment to paving the way for women to thrive in the world of business?

By all accounts, Erelu Aisha is doing well. This is why informed Nigerians always honour her remarkable contributions to humanity and her steadfast dedication to uplifting the lives of the marginalised and underserved this time of the year. A true citizen indeed, no less compassionate and visionary than her late mother.

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