Break the silence, reclaim your power! Saying no to bullying transforms lives and creates healthier, safer environments.

I have been a victim of bullying back then in my primary school. If I decide to write about them, it will be a write-a-thon. 

I laughed over it today because it doesn’t get to me any longer. Back then in primary school, I was the youngest and smallest girl in my class, so some of my classmates decided to call me a funny nickname as regards my body size.

Being a smart and intelligent girl, I suffered insults and name-calling anytime I scored higher than them and came top in class.

Once the proprietor suggested that anybody interested in being selected to be a school prefect should write a voluntary request letter and submit it to him; they saw me writing mine and laughed out loud that who would respect my orders with my smallish body size. And many more.

I was humiliated, and depressed and lost the desire to become a prefect after that. I tore the letter and moved on but that did not stop them from treating me badly.

Being an introvert, I was naive and afraid so I couldn’t report them to the school authority or my parents.

I suffered those ill treatments alone until I graduated. But now, I know better and I want other students to be aware of it.

It will interest you to know that bullying does not only happen in schools. It happens in other places like on social media platforms, social gatherings, workplaces, etc.

Bullying is an unacceptable issue that includes various forms of aggressive behavior, including physical, verbal, and psychological harm inflicted repeatedly on an individual perceived as vulnerable.

Those who bully often seek power, control, or validation, sometimes due to personal insecurities or experiences.

Targets of bullying who happen to be the victims, endure emotional distress, lowered self-esteem, and academic or social difficulties, leading to long-term consequences like anxiety and depression.

To prevent bullying,

🌸Schools and social media platforms must prioritize education and intervention.
Implementing comprehensive anti-bullying policies.

🌸 Promoting a positive school climate, and promoting empathy and respect among students are crucial.

🌸Encouraging bystander intervention empowers peers to speak out against bullying. This is very important.

🌸Moreover, providing counseling and support services for both victims and perpetrators helps address underlying issues.

🌸On social media, strict enforcement of community guidelines, proactive moderation, and promoting digital citizenship through awareness campaigns can create safer online environments.

Ultimately, building a culture of kindness and inclusivity is essential for combating bullying in all its forms.

I say no to bullying. What about you?

Grace Ehi Ekainu is an educator and creative writer from Kano State

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