The AI Tsunami: Will Project Management Skills Stay Afloat?

A tidal wave is building in the world of project management, and it is not made of water or the sky. It is artificial intelligence (AI), surging into every corner of how we plan, execute, and deliver projects. For project managers (PMs), this is not a distant threat; it is happening now. The question isn’t whether to adapt, but how quickly we can learn to ride this wave or risk being swept away.

Let us dispel the myth. AI is not coming for your job. It is coming for the tedious parts of your job. Imagine a tireless assistant that devours data, spots risks before they are visible to the naked eye, optimises resources down to note-taking, and even handles those mind-numbing admin tasks. That is the power AI is already bringing to project teams.

Think about scheduling – a project manager’s perennial headache. Traditionally, it’s been a time sink prone to human error. Now, AI-powered tools can analyse historical data, resource calendars, and task dependencies to generate optimised schedules in a fraction of the time. These schedules are not static; they are living, breathing things that adapt as the project evolves.

Then there is risk management, the dark cloud that hangs over every project. AI algorithms can sift through mountains of project data, pinpointing potential issues before they snowball into disasters. That means proactive mitigation, saving projects from costly delays and overruns.

But here is the catch. AI excels at the analytical, the automated. It’s not so great at human stuff. Building relationships, motivating teams, making those gut-wrenching judgment calls in the heat of the moment – these are where we, as humans, still have the edge.

The PMs who will thrive in this AI-infused world are not the ones who resist the change. They are the ones who embrace AI as a partner, a force multiplier. They will use AI to automate the mundane, freeing up their time to focus on the strategic and interpersonal aspects where their value truly lies.

So, what does this mean for you? It means upskilling, and fast. Learn the ropes of AI tools and understand their strengths and weaknesses. Hone your soft skills such as communication, negotiation, and leadership because they are about to become even more critical.

Thankfully, there is no shortage of resources to guide you. Online courses, workshops, and even AI-powered learning platforms are popping up everywhere to help you navigate this new landscape.
The AI revolution is not a gentle ripple; it is a tsunami. We can dig our heels in, cling to old ways, and risk being swept away. Or we can grab a surfboard, learn to ride this wave, and emerge as even more effective, valuable project managers.

Adekunle Babasola
Writes from Lagos

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