MIRRORED stage play comes alive in Lagos, as next show holds in June

The much awaited stage play, MIRRORED, starring Simileoluwa Hassan, Taiwo Ola and Evaezi Nimyel, recently set off interesting conversations amongst some Lagos residents in attendance, while addressing dysfunctionality in relationships and marriage.

The play, produced by Simileoluwa Hassan, focuses on a couple whose marriage had hit the rocks, largely due to a lack of consistent, corrective communication. The husband chooses to spend time with his colleague in the office, with whom he’s having an affair, rather than go home and endure another round of nagging from his wife, who on other hand, assumes her husband doesn’t love her anymore due to his nonchalant attitude towards her needs and desire to have children.

Intriguing and educative, the play highlights the importance of communication in every relationship; marriage especially. 

Speaking on the storyline, Hassan said the stage play was inspired to preach the importance of communication in marriage, among other elements.

“There’s quite a number of dysfunctionality in many relationships these days, marriage and otherwise, and a common denominator is the lack of consistent communication. 

“People in relationships today find it hard to communicate their feelings effectively and consistently, which causes a breakdown of these same relationships, irrespective of the duration. Some parts of the play are based on true events and real people.

“The play also looks at power dynamics in relationships. In the play, the dynamics between the husband and wife changed the moment one party was out of a job and the other party had to bear the burden of the family. The relationship between the husband and the colleague was also affected heavily, when one party realized that the other party couldn’t do without them, and as such tilted the balance of power in their favor,” he said.

Fielding answers to questions, he revealed his plans to organize productions on the mainland, to save theatre lovers the hassle of going all the way to the island to see stage plays, as the next show comes up in June.

“Hopefully, this is the start of something beautiful. I plan to do this with my team, as much as I can, for the audience on the mainland who don’t want to go through the stress of ‘traveling’ to Ikoyi, VI, Lekki to see stage plays.”

As a first time producer, he was scared initially due to the financial commitments required to put up a stage play, but with support from family and friends, he made it happen, with his team, and going by the feedback from the audience on the two days of the production, he will be doing this again in June, July and towards the end of the year.

“I’ll be producing this same play again on the 8th and 9th of June this year, and I hope more people get to see it then, because from the feedback we received concerning this one, a number of people want to invite their partners, family members to come see the show,” he revealed.

Simileoluwa Hassan is a screen and stage actor, a voice over artist, a one-time radio presenter and model. A graduate of Theatre Arts, University of Ibadan, he was born on the 2nd April 1984 in Lagos but originally from Ogun state. 

He started acting professionally after school in 2009, with some of his recent credits including The Man  Died (2024), Dust (2024), A Tribe  Called Judah (2023), Chronicles (2023), Itura (2022), The Hidden (2022), Oga Festus (2021), Brethren (2021).

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