Noel Akpata: How DNMOI Will Boost Nigeria’s Global Competitiveness

Fadekemi Ajakaiye 

The Public Sector Leadership and Social Innovation Academy (PSLSIA), under the leadership of its Founder, Dr. Noel Akpata, will launch the Designed in Nigeria, Made Offshore Initiative (DNMOI) at an exclusive global event hosted in Athens, Greece, in September this year.

This groundbreaking initiative aims to revolutionize Nigeria’s global competitiveness by leveraging offshore manufacturing to overcome domestic production challenges and accelerate the introduction of innovative Nigerian products to international markets.

Boosting Nigeria’s Global Competitiveness

Dr. Noel Akpata, an esteemed advocate for innovation and intellectual development, articulates the essence of DNMOI: “By designing innovative solutions in Nigeria and manufacturing them offshore, we can bypass the current limitations of our manufacturing infrastructure. This strategy not only speeds up the penetration of Designed in  Nigeria products into global markets but also ensures that our innovations receive the recognition and intellectual property protections they deserve on the world stage.”

He oultine the Key Benefits of DNMOI to include firstly ,Enhanced Economic Growth 

DNMOI is poised to significantly boost Nigeria’s economy by creating a robust pipeline of export-ready products,manufactured in cost effective locations across the globe, yet Designed in Nigeria , by Nigerians. This will increase foreign exchange earnings and reduce dependency on oil exports.

Secondly, he identifies the next key benefit as Innovation Acceleration.

With offshore manufacturing, Nigerian innovators can focus on research and development, leading to faster product iterations and improvements. This will foster a vibrant ecosystem of continuous innovation.

Thirdly, he identifies Job Creation and Skills Development as the next key  benefit.While manufacturing will take place offshore, the design, research, and development phases will remain in Nigeria, creating high-value jobs and skill development opportunities for Nigerian professionals.

Importantly , he identifies Improved Global Perception as a key benfit. By consistently producing high-quality, innovative products, Nigeria can enhance its global image as a hub of creativity and technological prowess. This will elevate Nigeria’s soft power and influence in international affairs.

A final and highly impact oriented benefit is the Increase in Intellectual Property (IP) Penetration. DNMOI will ensure Nigerian innovations are patented and protected globally, leading to increased IP assets and royalty earnings for Nigerian inventors and businesses.

The launch event in Athens, Grecce will be a convergence of influential stakeholders, including heads of key arms of the Federal Government of Nigeria, global business and political leaders, the organized private sector from Nigeria, and the academia. 

These high-level collaborations are essential for the successful implementation and sustainability of the DNMOI.

As part of the initiative, Dr. Akpata will unveil the Designed in Nigeria Made Offshore Fund (DNMOF). 

This fund is designed to provide financial support to Nigerian innovators and businesses, enabling them to develop their ideas and scale production through strategic offshore partnerships. 

The DNMOF will be a catalyst for transforming brilliant concepts into market-ready products.

Dr. Akpata concludes, “DNMOI is not just an initiative; it’s a paradigm shift. It represents a strategic approach to harnessing Nigeria’s intellectual capital while overcoming our current industrial limitations. 

By thinking globally and acting strategically, we can position Nigeria as a leader in innovation and global competitiveness.”

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