Olukayode Benjamin writes that the mining sector has what it takes to make the country an investment destination

In the heart of the mining industry, where the earth’s hidden riches lie, stands an experienced and dedicated professional miners with relentless drive to unlock the potential of natural resources. Alhaji Abdullahi Dantasidi is referred to by many as the king of miners in Nigeria.

With two decades of unwavering commitment, this individual has traversed the globe, leaving a trail of successful ventures and a legacy of sustainable resource management. Dantasidi has constantly reiterated his ambition in unlocking the potential of mining to change the lives of many Nigerians.

“I am deeply concerned about the current economic situation in the country. Giving my position as a leader of miners in the country, I am determined to unleash the potential of the sector to Nigerians, especially unemployed youths so they can be engaged and earn a living for themselves.

“We have vast amounts of lithium and sodium deposits that have barely been tapped. Many precious stones are waiting in different locations across the country waiting to be mined. The mining sector alone can singlehandedly reduce the unemployment rate of the country by a wide margin.

“I am eager to work with the federal government and other relevant stakeholders to maximize the potential of the sector for the benefits of the country,” he said.

Dantasidi’s biography unravels the captivating journey of a miner whose expertise and passion have not only shaped the industry but also helped governments maximize their natural wealth.

Early years and passion for mining

from humble beginnings to becoming a global resource optimization strategist, Dantasidi’s insatiable hunger for knowledge, made him embark on his first job at a local mine. Dantasidi’s unwavering passion for geology, mining operations, and the potential for harnessing natural resources to benefit society with the earth’s treasures began at a young age. 

These early years were marked by hands-on experiences, learning the intricacies of mining techniques, safety protocols, and community engagement. Eager for new challenges, he set his sights on international opportunities, seeking to broaden his horizons.

“Since I embark on this journey in the mining sector till date, I am resolute in my firm belief that mining is the future for Nigeria. Countries are already looking away from oil and we are blessed with vast amounts of different mineral resources. 

“Mining of mineral resources is the viable alternative to oil exploration. I am impressed with the steps taken so far by the President Bola Tinubu administration in refocusing the sector to maximize it’s potential and making it a major income earner for the country,” he said.

Over the past two decades, Dantasidi has embarked on a journey that took him to diverse corners of the world, from the depths of African mines to the hilly and mountainous terrains of Hong Kong and Thailand.

This global exposure enriched his understanding of various mining techniques, geological formations, and cultural aspects related to mining that fostered his relationships with many local communities, transcending language barriers to forge a strategic partnership built on mutual respect and shared goals.

“I have traveled across the world, made friends and signed partnerships and I can tell you the experiences have helped me to understand better how to help the government improve our own mining practices in Nigeria,” he said. 

During his travels, Dantasidi witnessed both the potential benefits and environmental challenges posed by mining. He became an advocate for responsible mining practices, emphasizing the need for sustainability and minimal ecological impact. His experiences also reinforced his belief that maximizing natural resources should align with the principles of ethical and environmentally conscious extraction.

His expertise and dedication caught the attention of some government officials seeking to leverage their country’s natural resources. He was invited to consult on mining exploration strategies that aligned with economic growth and environmental preservation. Through collaborations with governments, he initiated projects that focused on advanced extraction methods, waste reduction, and reclamation efforts.

As Dantasidi reflects on his journey, he sees a legacy defined by his contributions to responsible mining practices and his role in assisting governments in maximizing their natural resources. With advancements in technology and growing global awareness of environmental concerns, he remains dedicated to mentoring the next generation of miners and resource managers, ensuring a sustainable future for both industries and the planet.

Dantasidi pioneered the establishment of the National Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Cooperative Society in Nigeria by advocating for inclusive policies through collaboration with different stakeholders to promote sustainable development of artisanal and small-scale miners and the mining communities.

He also spearheaded community development and collaboration with government bodies to enforce responsible mining regulation by setting up the National Artisanal and small-scale

Mining Cooperative Society mining watchdog to support the government’s struggle to put an end to illegal mining in Nigeria.

Dantasidi’s journey is a testament to the impact of an individual committed to his passion and the betterment of society. His 20-year odyssey in the mining industry showcases his dedication to responsible practices, sustainable development, and collaboration with governments to maximize natural resources without compromising the environment. 

His story serves as an inspiration to those who strive to make a positive difference in their fields while upholding the principles of ethics and environmental consciousness.

Benjamin writes from Abuja


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