New Song Offers Hope Amid Global Challenges

Folalumi Alaran in Abuja

In a world fraught with instability and economic uncertainty, a newly released song titled “A Winner” seeks to provide solace and inspiration.

Drawing deeply from scripture, the song emphasizes the resilience of faith, echoing the biblical assurance from Romans 8:37 that we are more than conquerors through Christ.

In an interview with the artist, Ruffyson Pedro said the song underscores the importance of remaining steadfast in faith.

Citing John 15:5, where Jesus likens himself to a vine and believers to branches, he stated that true fruitfulness comes from abiding in God.

Pedro said, “The song aims to offer hope during these perilous times, especially for those in countries around the world experiencing different forms of instability. With challenges affecting every sector of the economy and impacting people’s livelihoods.

“The song is intended to instil the hope that people need right now. Jesus assures us in John 16:33 that we will have trouble, he told us to take heart and that he has overcome the world.
This is not a political statement, nor an endorsement of any government, but rather a reminder that God will not abandon us in our pursuits so long as we learn to take cover in Him.”

He also said the song is a universal call to find refuge and strength in faith during challenging times.

Pedro said, “No matter the challenges we face, we believe that as long as we stay within God’s vineyard, we’ll always emerge victorious. “

Speaking on how he was able to produce the song, he said, “I didn’t encounter any major challenges.The creative process was fairly smooth. I created the beat for the song before writing down the lyrics, and it all came together within a weekend. However, perfecting the song took more time. I spent about three months refining the initial version to arrive at the final product that you hear today. “

He appreciated his friends and family for the successful release of the song.

Pedro said, ” I can’t express enough gratitude to my family and friends who provided invaluable feedback during the creative process. Their insights and encouragement were instrumental in helping me shape the song to convey the message and emotions I intended.”

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