Nollywood Stars Lead Health Campaign, Walk for Life

Tosin Clegg

The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) recently organised a health campaign and ‘Walk for Life’ event at Onikan Stadium, Lagos. The exercise attracted notable figures from the Nollywood industry and beyond. The event featured a range of activities aimed at promoting health and wellness among participants, including a health walk, mental health talk, HMO signups, seminars, workplace safety workshops, a novelty football match, health checkups, and various games.

The event saw a significant turnout, with the AGN National President, Emeka Rollas, leading the charge. He was joined by prominent figures such as actor and politician Desmond Elliot, comedian Ali Baba, Olympic gold medalist Chioma Ajunwa, Segun Arinze and many other stars from the Nigerian entertainment industry.

Rollas, emphasised the importance of such initiatives in promoting a healthier lifestyle among Nigerians. “Our mission is to build an AGN which all members would be proud to call their own, an AGN that caters for her members irrespective of their social and career status; we are one and by the grace of God, we shall win together,” he added.

The day’s activities kicked off with a health walk around the environs of the stadium, energising participants and setting a positive tone for the rest of the event. This was followed by a series of health safety measures, which highlighted the significance of well-being and provided attendees with valuable insights and resources. One of the highlights of the day was the novelty football match, which brought together actors and other celebrities in a friendly but competitive game. The match entertained attendees and underscored the event’s theme of promoting physical activity and camaraderie. 

Attendees also had access to free health checkups, allowing them to monitor their health status and receive professional medical advice. Additionally, a variety of games and activities kept the atmosphere lively and engaging for participants of all ages.

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