ODU: Rise up for Ogwashi-Ukwu

Ogwashi-Ukwu Development Union should speak up on the epileptic power supply in Ogwashi-Ukwu, capital of Aniocha South Local Govt Area of Delta State since our political representatives at the national, state and local govt levels have refused to do anything about it. Neighbouring communities like Ubulu Unor, Ubulu Uku and Igbuzor get constant power supply and they even pay less than we do despite the estimated bills for power supply that we never see to use. We would contribute money to fix transformers and we still do not see supply of electricity.

Ogwashi – Ukwu is the only community that pays estimated bills for power supply for just five days yet we are billed for a month. If the political leaders have refused to speak about our plight then our community leaders should rise up to the task just like leaders in other communities are doing. ODU should partner with the Obi of Ogwashi-Ukwu Kingdom to speak about our community because we basically have poor representation. Nobody speaks for us in terms of our under-development, unemployment of our youths, bad roads, uncompleted permanent site of Ogwashi-Ukwu Library, insecurity all over the town, poor state of our public primary and secondary schools, the poor state of the general hospital, and lack of basic necessities of life. Who would ever believe that Ogwashi-Ukwu is the capital of Aniocha South Local Govt?

We the members of Change Makers Forum and One Voice, Our Choice says enough is enough. Ogwashi-Ukwu must rise up.

Feyisetan Akeeb Kareem, Ogwashi-Ukwu

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