Tinubu, Boyo, ‘Wingmen’ Made in Heaven

It was Thomas Aquinas, an Italian philosopher and Theologian, who said: “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”

Indeed, one would have thought that the late Catholic priest had two Nigerian billionaire businessmen and top oil players, Adewale Tinubu and Omamofe Boyo in mind when he uttered these deathless words, given their long-standing friendship.

The friendship, which has spanned close to four decades, started when they were in their 20s and ‘hustling’ on the streets of Lagos.

They are two of a kind, and their friendship has reinforced the saying by Nicole Richie that “True friends are like diamonds – bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style.’’  

The oil tycoons are not one of your run-off-the-mill businessmen. In many ways, they are head and shoulders above many of their competitors in the industry, owing to their brilliance and uncommon business acumen. Together, they have weathered bad storms, surmounted huge mountains and swarmed across several seas.

When they teamed up in 1994 to set up Ocean and Oil Services Limited to supply diesel and Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) to various industries, shipping firms and exploration companies in Nigeria, they probably had no idea that a few years down the line, their humble investment would grow to become a multinational conglomerate worth billions of dollars and spread across African countries.

Last week, Boyo marked his birthday and he was celebrated to the high heavens by his intimate friend, Tinubu, who described him as a ‘wingman.’

He wrote: “Happy Birthday to my brother and wingman. From weathering storms together to building a legacy, it continues to be an incredible journey. I pray for many more years of riding till the wheels fall off.”

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